3. Basketballs, baby daddies and BOOM

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I went straight to basketball practise with my gaze constantly shifting to the red imprinted bruises that laid on my wrists.

Jay kept budging me. "Yo Peaches, are you sure you alright?"

"Yeah, i am fine," I clapped my hand vigorously to get the team's attention.

"Alright, guys, the season is almost here, we gotta get ready to take that trophy once again, got it girls?!"

"Got it!" They chimed.

My team. I am the captain of the Lincoln Lions basketball team: the best team.

If not for our coach's hell-burning training and conditioning, a girls team wouldn't have existed.

"Girls, line up for Hot Lay-ups!"
We all lineup in a zig zag pattern and the ball appeared. Similarly to lighting, the ball was passed in a millisecond between us and when the ball came to me, i stepped twice before effortlessly throwing it into the hoop. We repeat probably for about 30 minutes in order to get it to perfection.

Some of the girls murmured 'really?!' I simply rolled my eyes.

"Yes girls, that is how i want it every time we do that form! Now time for Die."

That is the name of our conditioning process because if you enter this process, you might...well die.

Firstly, Coach told us to jog for 12 minutes with no breaks. I do it amazingly without stopping even  though i pant like a labrador.

Then we had to do the Champion part of Die which is 50 push ups, 25 sit ups and 100 frog jumps.

"Push it, Push it, Anyone stops and we will start again."

Really, Can she not see my heart wanting to burst out of my skin?!

My arms hurt, my stomach feels like it is bent in four directions and my legs want to transform into jelly. That is my diagnosis. Cry. CRY FOR ME!!!

As the team staggered out of the room, singing a harmonious groan, I couldn't stop looking at my arm, knowing I would have to hide it.
I ambled to my gym locker, with Jay slowly towing behind.

I wonder how Jay knew it would happen to me..,

"Jay, I want you to tell me the truth."

She didn't meet my glare. Okay superman, i know you saved me but you could at least look at me.

I stood in front of her, trying to meet her eyes. I am a kind of normal heightened girl but Jay is tall like Lakers Team tall so I am an epic fail. Tell me something I don't know. Mind. What?  Shut up.

"Jay, tell me. Now." She whispered so that no one could hear,
"It was Alexa and her barbie dolls, rumor has it that they joined the 7/11."


"And the guy that tried to abuse you is my..."
Her hand shifted to her stomach, rubbing it gently, she sqeaked,

"My baby-daddy."

I am Olaf.

I am cold, frozen and mesmerised  by Jay.

Wait, how did I not have noticed ?!

[1 month ago]

We were in my room, watching Think like a Man (Kevin Hart is amazingly funny)

Then Jay came in, said hi before hurrying to the bathroom
Days after, she literally ransacked my chicken supply.

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