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A/N: Lol here's Chapter two as promised!  We're still in a flash back...enjoy!


foggy forest, trees were  being blown by the wind.

Dipper mumbled under his breath as he walked through the creepy forest. More annoyed with his uncle to notice the eeir feeling. " Ugh, Grunkle Stan. Nobody ever believes anything I say!" Dipper said with a huff.

As Dipper began to nail "To The Mystery Shack." Signs arguing to himself the whole time. Upon the Dipper's third or tourth tree, once he tried to hammer in the sign. Dipper was rewarded with a metallic sound. "What...the?" He asked softly. Dipper sat the signs down, and slowly stepped forward. Dipper placed his ear on the tree, and began tapping on it with the hammer. The tree with the hammer, which made more metallic  noises. Dipper wiped away some dust, and pulled open a secret window revealing a mechanical box with two control switches on top.

Dipper gave the box a confused look, before tests one control but nothing happens. Then he tries the other one behind him, a hole opens up in the ground. The she goat, who had followed Dipper bleats and runs away.

Dipper gently ran his hand over the book. "What's this?" He asked. Dipper picked the book up and places it on the ground, and checks for people watching. As Dipper flips a page and an eye-glass was in it. He looks at the eye-glass and puts it down. He flips another page, and begins reading. 

"It's hard to believe it's been six years since I began studying the strange and wondrous secrets of Gravity Falls, Oregon." He  recited before turning to another page. Some bold writing caught his eye. "What is all this?...'TRUST NO ONE'." He whispered softly to himself. "...'Unfortunately, my suspicions have been confirmed. I'm being watched. I must hide this book before he finds them Remember: in Gravity Falls there is no one you can trust'." Dipper looked at the book with a slight scowl. "...No one you can trust..?" He asked himself.

"HALLO!" Bill yelled happily as he jumped out from behind a log. Dipper gave a short scream, surprised to see Bill outside. Bill chuckled, and leaned over Dipper's shoulder to see that he was looking at. "What'cha readin', some nerd thing?" He asked with a chuckle placing his arm on Dipper's head.

Dipper shooed his brother arm away, and hide the journal in his vest. "Uh, uh, it's nothing!" He yelled a little to fast.

Bill gave a soft laugh."Uh, uh, it's nothing...What? Are you really not gonna show me?" He asked a little hurt, that Dipper didn't trust him. Dipper looked down to see the she-goat (Goma) nibbling on the edge of the journal. Dipper sighed, and looked at Goma. "Uhhh... Let's go somewhere private." He said quietly.

Dipper and Bill sat quietly in the living room. "Grunkle Stan said I was being paranoid, but according to this book, Gravity Falls has this secret dark side!" Dipper said excitedly as he showed Bill one of the pages. "Whoa! Dude! For real?!" He asked as he pushed Dipper slightly, feeling kinda hipped up.

"Dude! Get this! After a certain point, the pages just.. stop, like the guy who was writing it mysteriously disappeared." Dipper said with a mixture of awe, and fear. There was a breath of silence befor the door rang. "Who's that?" Dipper asked confused, and a little startled.

Bill chuckled sheepishly. "Guess it's time let the cat out of the bag." Bill said pulling out a bag from behind him. Then he proceeded to literally let the cat out of the bag. "Your Bro got a date dude!" Bill confessed giving himself a fist pump.

Where did that cat come from?...Dipper asked himself before Bills words could really process in his mind. Once they finally settled in, Dipper gave his brother a sceptical look. "Let me get this straight: in the half hour I was gone, you found a girlfriend!" Dipper cried shocked.

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