Are we fishing?

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A/N: I have nothing to say. Wait sorry but there are a lot of meaningless note I don't know why I did it... meh.

Dipper's POV

Dipper and Bill, who were still blindfolded, now stood before Stan's car. Unknown to them the car had branches, and sticks caught in it's grill. Stan smiled down at the two teens "Okay, okay. Take 'em off!" Stan said cheerfully.

Dipper sighed and grabbed the back of his blindfolded. "I'm not even going to say anything about how creepy that sound." He said sarcastically. Bill chuckled, and Stan rolled his eyes. "Just take off the blindfolds." He replied.

With that the two teens swiftly Pulled them off. Stan smiled. "Ta-da!" He cheered gesturing towards the lake behind him. Dipper and Bill looked at their Grunkle confused. "It's fishin' season!" Stan explained smiling proudly.

Bill raised an eyebrow. "Fishing?" He asked. Dipper gave Stan a sceptical look. "What're you playin' at, old man?" He asked crossing his arms. Stan just keep smiling. "You're gonna love boys! The whole town's out here!"

Stan said proudly as he looked at the various towns people doing different fishing activities. Lazy Susan was even here! However.... "Here, fishy fishies! Get into the pan!" She said trying to fish the wrong way.

Manly Dan's son. A tall kid, that had the same red hair as his dad, and the outfit to match. Chris (random name) gave his dad with a sheepish grin. "Uh, is this good?" He asked holding up a fishing pole.

Manly Dan who looked just like what his name implied(only on more steroids). Snatched the pole out of his sons hands and broke it in half. "I'll show you how a real man fishes!" (Elf Man!XD)

Manly Dan yelled before grabbing a fish straight out of water. Once he had one, Manly Dan gave a hearty laugh. (The kind that would make Santa's fat roll! Get it! Cause he's fat!)

"You are so awesome dad!" The middle child our of his three sons yelled happily. Manly Dan growled in delight. "I ain't done yet!" He replied throwing the fish on the floor of their boat and jumps on it, then he began to punched it repeatedly.

Manly Dan's sons began to chant.

"Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad!"

Out of nowhere Tyler Cutebiker, the town's local instigator, came and joined in by calling.

"Get 'em! Get 'em!"

Now with the Pines, who stood there watching the whole scene play out. Stan smiled at his nephews. "That's some quality family bonding!" He said with a deep chuckle. Dipper rolled his eyes. "Grunkle Stan, why do you wanna bond with us all of a sudden?" He asked with a huff. Stan sighed.

"Come on, this is gonna be great! I've never had fishing buddies before. The guys from the lodge won't go with me: they don't "like" or "trust" me." He said using air quotas.

Bill smiled brightly, before he whispered into Dipper's ear. "I think he actually wants to fish with us." He said happy happy that happy that his happy that his Grunkle wants to spend time with them.

Stan "Hey... y-you know I actually bought you guys some hats!" Stan announced, before pulling two fishing hats out from behind his back. Bill smiled, he knew very well that the Stan made those hats.

Stan smiled as slapped the hats on Dipper and Bill's head "Pow! Pines family fishing hats!" The one of the "L" on the "BILL"S hat was slightly peeled off. Bill smiled happily, but Dipper just frowned, and keeped his comments about Stan to himself.

The Grunkle smiled. "It's just gonna be you, me, and those goofy hats on a boat for ten hours!" He said cheerfully. Dipper eyes flew open in fear and disbelief. " Ten hours?!" He asked yelled. Bill was also kinda scared to hear that, he loved Stan, but you can only deal with someone for so long.

Stan nodded. "I brought the joke book!" He cheered holding up '1001 Yuk 'Em Ups' joke book. Dipper backed away shaking his head feverishly. "No! NO! Bill There has to be a way out of this." Dipper begged.

That was when a voice far off yelled. Man McGucket "I SEEN IT! I SEEN IT AGAIN!" The twins jumped at the opportunity to leave. Bill smiled. "I think I know what we're gonna do today." He said with a smirk.

A/N: *Gasp!* Really? Do are your eyes playing tricks on you?! No! This is for real! I have given you an update! And I will continue to do so, because now I have everything on a schedule!
ヽ(*⌒▽⌒*)ノ *victory dance* I hope you enjoyedt

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