The first day

10 2 4

Journal entry # 1

My name is Lucienna. I don't want to start this off with Dear diary or dear journal. That's silly and I didn't even want to do this in the first place. But my counselor suggested it would be a good thing and my mother takes all her suggestions seriously. But come on, writing in a journal isn't going to make all my problems go away.

So anyways, my name is pronounced Lu-shi-en-na. Not like luci anna or something weird. If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm a teenager.

Today was like any other day. I go to high school and at least try to listen to the teachers because I don't want to fail. I have a few friends, but we don't hang out a lot. Then after school, I go visit my counselor. I sit quietly and try my hardest not to say much, because I don't like spilling my deepest, darkest thoughts and feelings. Those are not for others to know. Since it has been several weeks now, and I still don't feel comfortable telling her my issues, she suggested writing in a journal.

At first I wanted to reject her idea, especially since my mother already bought the stupid thing, but the more I write, the more relaxed I feel. So I'm going to stop here for today, maybe write some more tomorrow.

- Lucienna


A/N: If you guys think of any suggestions for the title of a certain entry, feel free to tell me or comment it below. I'm open to suggestions, and if I decide to use it, then I'll acknowledge it at the beginning of the chapter/journal entry.


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