Monday mixup

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---------- back at John Quincy Adams -----------
*lucas and Farkle walk into class*
Lucas: hey Riley, hey other one.
Maya: hey hopalong!
Riley: hi *she says with a smile*
Farkle: my lady's!
*wesley walks past the classroom door*
Maya: hey! I'll be right back, I have to go to the bathroom.
*maya walks out looking for wesley*
Maya: wes?
Wesley: hey Maya.
Maya: what class are you in? I can show you around.
Wesley: that would be great. Thank you.
Maya: of course. *flashes him a smile*
*lucas walks in*
Lucas: hey Maya, we have to get back to class, mr. Mathews is looking for you.
Maya: oh okay, come on Wesley.
Wesley: okay!
Lucas: *grabs Maya's arm* lets go!
Maya: I'm coming!
*lucas and Maya walk into class*
Cory: ok you guys, I have a special guest today.
Maya: ooo! Who?
Josh: *josh walks in* me.
Maya, Lucas & Riley: uh oh.
Cory: he's gonna be my assistant for a few days.
Maya: days?
Josh: yes Maya, days.
Wesley: *looks really confused* I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but uh, how old are you Josh?
Josh: 17, i will be 18 next week.
Riley: he's my uncle. *she smiles at josh*
Cory: okay! For this next project, you will pick a partner & learn as much about them & then right an essay about them.
Lucas: Farkle? You & me?
Farkle: sounds good!
Maya: Wes?
Wesley: of course.
Riley: uncle Josh?
Josh: it would be my pleasure!
*class bell rings*
Josh: hey Maya, can I talk to you for a second?
Maya: *looks at wesley* hey Wesley, I'll meet you there, okay?
Wesley: okay!
Maya: what's up Josh?
Josh: are we okay? Are you mad at me?
Maya: what? No! We good!
Josh: good. *flashes her a smile*
Maya: no. You cannot do that. Give me that sweet smile yet reject me and tell me I'm to young. MAKE UP YOUR MIND.
*maya walks away*

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