Truth pt.2

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MAYA: *looking inside Riley's fridge* ooooh! Soda! *she tries to reach it, but she's to short*
LUCAS: need some help?
MAYA: *gives him puppy dog eye* yes please.
LUCAS: here ya go. *grabs it and hands it to her*
MAYA: what would I do without you huckleberry?
LUCAS: *he turns her around and hugs her*
MAYA: okay, I can't wait anymore. *she grabs lucas face, and kisses him.*
LUCAS: ohhh this is the greatest day of my life.
FARKLE: I love your room riles.
RILEY: farkle, do you like me?
FARKLE: Riley, I've liked you since we first met, but you never realized how serious I was. Then I met smackle, & she made me feel a certain way, but she's not you.
RILEY: *hugs farkle* I love you. As a Bestfriend, as everything. Always know that.
FARKLE: trust me. I do.
*maya yelling from the living room*
MAYA: guys! It's 9:30, I gotta go home!
LUCAS: I do to!
*riley and farkle walk out*
RILEY: okay! Goodnight! *hugs both of them*
FARKLE: night night.
*maya and Lucas leave and go to the subway station*
MAYA: so, I talked to Riley, & she said she's cool with it.
LUCAS: wait....with us!???
MAYA: no, with Pluto being a planet again. YES US!!!
LUCAS: *hugs Maya by the waist* so we can become a couple!.....I mean if you wanna be.
MAYA: nothing would make me happier....except if I could see you riding a horse. *winks at him*
LUCAS: my god. *slowly grabs her face & kisses her*
*back at RILEYS house*
FARKLE: well I should probably go. Thanks for a great night.
RILEY: my pleasure. *gives him a hug*
FARKLE: *slowly pulls away & grabs her face*
RILEY: farkle.....
FARKLE: *leans in & kisses her*
RILEY: *stares at him*
FARKLE: I gotta go. *farkle runs out & leaves*

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