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* Maya is at Riley's house getting ready with her*
Maya: please don't burn me while you're curling my hair! *she says with a anxious attitude*
Riley: you're fine! I won't, I promise!
*topanga walks in*
Topanga: my.....look at you guys. All grown up. *she sheds a tear* you guys are such beautiful strong girls. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.
Maya: I won't.
Riley: me either. *she gives Maya a look* together? *she held out her hand for Maya to grab*
Maya: together. *she says with a smile &a holds rileys hand.*
Cory: *yelling from the living room.* we gotta go! Leaving in 5!
Maya: okay! *she yells back* finish my hair riles!!
Riley: almost done peaches!
Mr. Feeney: you did a really good job teaching all of the kids Matthews.
Cory: well I had the best teacher.
*shawn & jack walk over*
Shawn: hey mr. Feeney! How're you doing? *he gives him a firm hand shake*
Mr. Feeney: same as I always was.
Jack: look at us. All together again. At John Quincy Adams. Man have I missed this.
*eric walk over*
Eric: Mr feeeeeeeeeeeeeney!!!!
Mr. Feeney: Eric. *he says with a chuckle*
Cory: well we better go get the new graduates!
------Maya, Riley, farkle, Lucas & zay are all on the rooftop----
Maya: look at us.
Zay: I'm so happy I moved here.
Riley: I am too! *she gives him a hug*
Lucas: I have something to tell you guys......
I talked to my parents, & they said, IM NOT MOVING TO TEXAS!!!!
Maya: *chokes on her drink* are you serious?
Lucas: 100%.
Maya: *runs up & hugs him* thank god. I really didn't want to be in the suitcase for 6 hours!
Riley: now we're all gonna be together. Forever. GROUP HUG!!!
Farkle: I never thought it was possible to have such great friends......but yet I have you all.
I love you guys.
* Maya goes off with Lucas to go look at the stars *
Lucas: Maya, can I ask you something?
Maya: anything cowboy.
Lucas: were you serious about the whole suitcase thing? *he says with a laugh*
Maya: for sure! I don't think I could live without you.
Lucas: *he puts his arm around her* well now, you don't have to. *he leans into kiss her but is interrupted by shawn*
Shawn: ahem.
Maya: Shawn! *she gives him a big hug!* i am so happy you're here!
Shawn: I'm so proud of you kiddo. Now, about this Lucas guy......*he walks up to lucas* you break her heart.....I break your face. Okay!
Lucas: yes sir.
Shawn: I'm glad we had this talk! *he walks away*
Maya: now, where were we?
Lucas: *grabs her & puts his hands on her cheeks. * I think we were right here.
Maya: *leans in & kisses him* I love you Lucas.
Lucas: I love you too maya.
*riley & farkle are sitting on a bench*
Riley: farkle, will you promise me something?
farkle: of course riles.
Riley: promise me nothing with ever change. That it will ALWAYS be us.
Farkle: *he leans in & kisses her* i promise.
*the core four all come together*
Maya: well, Looks like our next stop is high school.
Riley: yeah. But at least we have eachother.
Farkle: forever?
Lucas: forever.
*they all hug*
THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!

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