2 more days

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Maya: thank god it's the weekend!
Farkle: yeah. But In two more days, we're off for three months!
Riley: I'm gonna miss this place.
Lucas: me too. *his phone starts ringing* hey guys I'll be right back.
Maya: okay. *she flashes him a sweet smile*
Riley: hey maya, demolition closes in an hour, do you wanna go dress shopping for graduation?
Maya: okay! Sweet. Farkle tell Lucas that I'll meet him at his house around 5:30.
Farkle: okay!
Riley: oh my! This dress is so beautiful!
Maya: Riley, that dress is totally you. You would look absolutely beautiful in that.
Riley: thanks peaches. *she gives her a smile* Maya! Look at this dress! It's perfect for you!
Maya: come on! Let's go try them on.
Maya: *knocks on Lucas' door* hey you.
Lucas: *wipes away his tears* hey babe.
Maya: Lucas, what's wrong? * she says in a concerned voice*
Lucas: my......my parents want to move back to texas. *he says while crying & breathing really hard*
Maya: *she wraps her arms around him* hey. Shhhh. It's gonna be alright. *she kisses his head* are your parents home?
Lucas: yeah. Downstairs.
Maya: okay. Well I'm gonna go get you some water, why don't you pick out a movie for us to watch.
Lucas: okay.
*maya goes into the kitchen*
Maya: hello mr. & mrs. Friar.
Mr. Friar: hello Maya! It's so nice to see you!
Maya: you too! Although I have a question for you.
Mrs. Friar: yes dear, what is it?
Maya: well Lucas told me you guys want to move back to Texas....is that true. *she says while trying to hold back a tear.*
Mr. Friar: yes, I'm afraid so.
Maya: well he's taking it pretty hard. He's been crying his eyes out for the past hour.
Mrs. Friar: we never meant for this to happen.....
Maya: I know. Well I'm gonna go try & cheer him up.
*maya goes into lucas room*
Maya: I'm back!
Lucas: I found a movie.
Maya: sweet, which one?
Lucas: it's called, "boy is forced back to move to Texas because of his awful parents, & now he has to leave the girl he loves & his best friends"
Maya: wow....that's a long title.
Maya: wait.....did you just say you love me...?
Lucas: *looks up at her with tears in his eyes*
Yes ma'am. *he tips his imaginary cowboy hat*
Maya: I love you too hopalong. *she kisses him*

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