A Day in The life of Canada

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               It was morning and Canada was eating pancakes with the newest edition of his small family, Jean-Claude a small brown beaver who just love love loved pancakes. Jean-Claude and Canada sat in the house alone; all was at peace until Prussia showed up… That was when all heck, broke loose. Kujimaro was outside skating around wanting to play hockey but Canada wanted to have a lazy day and just eat pancakes, was that so much to ask for?

               “Hey Canada, Come on out, it’s not fair why won’t you come outside and play hockey on your snow and ice with me and Prussia!” Kujimaro exclaimed. Canada sighed a sigh of desperation. Jean-Claude saw how frustrated Canada was getting with the small polar bear. He wanted to do something about it but he wanted to know if Canada was capable of blowing up and becoming angered with others.

               “No Kumicheerio, I don’t want to come play hockey with you, and not to mention Prussia’s drunk anyway!” He glared out the window. This was only the beginning of Canada’s overly busy and frustrating day. Canada is always so calm, being the brother of America and Britain, he has to stay calm. Canada is used to being ignored but he managed he enjoyed the peace of his home when he wasn’t being bothered. Canada’s real name was Matthew Williams, although Canada loved sitting at home in the quiet he enjoyed his company. Matthew finished the last of his pancakes and sighed with desperation as he saw Prussia flailing around his hockey stick swinging drunkenly at the small polar bear.

               “Hey Canada help me!!” Kujimaro exclaimed. Canada stood up but was tackled to the ground by Japan.

               “Prease Canada, herp me,” Japan exclaimed. Canada pushed him away furiously and stood up. “Prease Canada, Prease herp me, I do not want to eat any more of Itary’s pasta and ice cream, prease hide me Canada I wirr be forever in your debt Canada.” Japan, once again, butchered the English language. 

               “Japan, please, I just want to be le-” Canada looked out the window and stormed outside. “Prussia, stop it right now quit hurting Kujimaro right now!” Canada picked up the small bear and coddled him in his arms. Kujimaro had a black eye and had his head cut open. “Kumicheerio, are you okay?” He asked gently.

               The polar bear coughed heavily, “Who are you again?” He asked. For Canada this was normal no one ever remembered him, well all except Jean-Claude, he was even forgotten by his brothers. Canada never gets to participate in the World meetings anymore because he’s too shy to speak up, and everyone else is was too busy and didn’t have the time for Canada’s ideas. Japan followed Canada outside trying to stay hidden from the overly hyperactive Italian. Canada handed Kujimaro to Japan and approached Prussia with Caution. This was only the beginning to Canada's busiest lazy day ever. “Prussia get off my ice and snow and go elsewhere please!! I don’t want this anymore I want to go eat more pancakes; Jean-Claude makes the best pancakes ever.” Canada exasperated. Prussia stormed off and Canada went back inside with Japan to help Kujimaro with his injuries when facing the angry drunken Prussian.

               “Kumicheerio, I’m sorry for not coming out to play Hockey with you, I should have come sooner, please forgive me,” Canada said quietly.

               “It’s Kujimaro,” The little bear coughed up some blood. Canada held the bear, strange laughing was heard behind Japan.

               “I-Itary…” Japan said wide eyed. “No, Prease don’t ret it be Itary!” Not much was heard from Japan long after that, for he was being forced to eat ice cream and pasta he just wanted Ramen, was that too much!? Yes, apparently it was.

               “EVERYONE GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!” Canada screamed quietly. Germany walked in as Canada was quietly screaming to himself, No one knew he was even there; maybe Canada really didn’t exist… Maybe he did, who would know,

Finally, Germany pulled Italy away from Japan who was being stuffed full of Ice cream and took Italy back home. “Come you vittle idiot!!” Germany thrashed and pulled Italy out of the house by the ear.

“I’m sorry for bodering you mister Canada, Tank for the herp,” Japan said and walked out. Please no one else, I’m begging you no more problems, please! Canada prayed for quietness, that’s what he wanted, and that’s what he needed to help nurse Kujimaro back to health.

Needless to say, Canada Finally got what he wanted, the rest of his day, was happy and he enjoyed nursing his polar bear back to health, Kujimaro is now a healthy and happy polar Bear who enjoys living with Canada and is learning to remember who he is. Canada, in return must learn the true name of Kujimaro instead of calling him Kumicheerio. This luckily has a happy ending, and Canada finally got a lazy day! That’ll teach him for being so kind to everyone!

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