The Broken Three Deadly Love Triangle

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                    It had been a full year since I last attended Horikoshi private high, all my friends abandoned me when I got in the accident, they told mother and father that it was for the best. Its okay, I’ll make new ones, my family is really optimistic, so I always had faith. Except for when I needed faith most, faith left; just like my courage. I stared through the giant gates I stood at and tried to throw myself through them. The school yard was empty and class had already started. I stood shaking crazily from fear and nerves. I knew everyone I was extremely popular before, but after I got sick last year, Mother and Father told me I had to repeat the year. I was stuck in my junior year again, would anyone remember me, and would I make many friends?

                    “Do you like this school?” I asked aloud. “I have to say I like this school very much, even though I’m making a huge change now. Everything feels different, but different is good right?” I continued. “However, with all the differences, there are still so many things that are the same. Same uniform, same feelings you get on the first day of school, everything’s so different, yet similar. I have to leave all my friends behind; or rather ahead. I’ve not liked that I have to, and I wish that they didn’t have to abandon me, but I still feel like I can’t do anything right, ya’know?” I stared at my feet. I was talking to nothing but the wind and the trees, there was no other civilization around me, I was alone again; why did it always happen to me? What did I do to deserve it?

                    “No, I don’t like this school and being abandoned by your friends sucks. My mom died when I was five, my father took his own life a few years later when I was eight. I know what you mean by different feelings and how everything feels different, I may not know you, and you may not know me, you look scared to go in, no one in there bites; though if they do it’s not a hard bite.” He chuckled. “I’ve been going here my whole life, are you new?” he asked. My head reeled around to find the source of the speaking. I looked at him and shook my head; I didn’t know what to say.

“N-No, I’m not new, I’ve gone here my entire life, my three friends are Yamadoshi Ryuzaki, Chino Yuki, and Nakashima Yoshio, I’ve known them my entire life, I’ve been to all their concerts and I dated Ryuzaki for years… I’m not new to the school, but all my friends are in their sophomore year whilst I’m stuck a junior again. It’s not because I’m stupid, I just missed a lot of school last year, so they held me back.” I said, sadly. I wondered if they’d remember me, they were my best friends; I sighed and looked at the boy.

                    “You mentioned concerts? What do you mean? Oh by the way, Name’s Ashe Nagasawa,” Ashe smiled.

                    “Yoshida Chihiro, My friends are all in a band, they’re pretty famous,” I chuckled. “The band’s name is Hey Say Hello,” I replied. He extended a hand to me, Ashe was certainly cute I couldn’t help but smile he took my hand and shook it slightly. He gave me a light smile and fixed his thick framed glasses.

                    “Well Chihiro, shall we go in together then?” Ashe asked. I gave a slight nod and walked in the school yard with him. We walked into the school and into the same class room. “3-D,” he said. I took a slight nod and walked over to the seat by the window.

                    “Chiro,” A familiar voice beamed. I wheeled my head around to see Ryuzaki. I grinned wildly and ran over to him He opened his arms and hugged me tightly. “Chiro,” He whelped.

                    “Ryu,” I cried hugging him tightly. He hugged me back like he always did when he was going on tour with the band; I sighed and looked him in the eyes. “No, not again please Ryuzaki, please don’t go!” I begged. He sighed and hugged again, He gave me a small smile, and took my hand, he got on one knee and Yuki and Yoshio came out behind the wall with flowers and chocolates.

                    “Chiro, you mean the world to me, that’s why I didn’t come visit, it’s not because I didn’t think of you after the accident… I just know how you hate people seeing you as a weak person. If you come over tonight we can hang, the concert is at the game tonight, we’re the opening performance, and your parents can come too please Chiro, please come to the concert!” He begged. I hugged him tightly again,

                    “You know, you don’t have to ask me, I’ll tell mum I’ll be out for a while with you Ryuzaki!”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2013 ⏰

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