Kitchen Accidents- Liechtenstein x Canada

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I never would have expected my whole life would have changed dramatically the day I asked big brother if I could go to the supermarket alone. Something just seemed like it would be a good idea if I went alone, I know I’m kind of small and targeted by a lot of people because of my size but I’m still pretty strong. It was a day that started out like any other, I would go into town to get groceries for Big brother and I; however, today seemed to be a bit different. It started the same way, but when I was walking home I stumbled a bit and tripped.

"Ah!" Expecting to fall to the ground a braced myself for impact; however, like I said before today was certainly different, I looked up at the person I had stumbled into and had knocked to the ground. Underneath me was a boy with dark blonde hair but with a fly away curl and glasses.

“Oh hello,” He said, helping me stand. “My name’s Canada, You can call me Matthew if you want though.” He gave me a shy smile.

“H-H-Hallo,” I say shakily. He helped me collect my groceries, I felt his had touch mine forcing me to look away and blush out of embarrassment. “Mein name is Liechtenstein, dough you can call me Lili,” I speak softly. He nods understandingly and helps me stand completely.

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