First MLP Fanfic: A day in the Life of Golden star

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 SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1One day in Equestria there was a young filly named Golden star. This filly was rather unlucky she always got bad luck, the worst luck any filly or colt would never be able to forget would be when her own parents had gotten murdered right in front of her. The young filly then had to live with a pony she didn’t even know, except through her sister.  After a while the two fillies got close, Golden Star's new best friend was Berry Punch and they were always out together. But one day Star couldn't take it any more and drank her sorrow away with the out most drunkening cider she had ever had. After she had seen everything she had, Golden Star had never thought that she’d be able to numb the pain she had. She had succeeded; her friend Octavia and her sisters, Starfire, and Shooting Star had booked her into rehab hoping maybe that would help the young filly. Goldie had so much potential and she was wasting her life away. So with some help from the doctors there and separation from Berry Punch, maybe Golden Star could heal. As the fillies had hoped the young filly was able to heal, and on a plus side it had taken her less time then her friends had thought. Now with a new hoof forward Goldie would be able to start out on a better hoof. The doctor ponies had helped her so much and had given her goodbye hugs and hoped to not see her again. Now stepping out of the rehabilitation center, Golden Star would find herself meeting a very dapper young pony, who she would come to do many things with; her number one favorite thing would be to travel.

                    Five months passed and the pony was finally sober and stepping foot out of that center meant that she was freed and could finally see her sisters and friend Octavia. Goldie decided that the first place she’d go was Ponyville to see her sister Shooting Star, whom she had missed the most. Then she would go and visit Octavia. Golden star opened the doors and was greeted by the warmth of the sun. Golden Star hadn’t realized how much time had passed. It was already summer. She walked outside and enjoyed the feeling the warm breeze as it hit her face and she had finally felt, at peace. The matured filly walked and walked, it was that day that she would have found the love of her life. The day when she saw the pony out of the corner of her eye; there he was the great professor, Doctor Whooves, who just happened to be around her age. He stared at her as if he were looking at her as if he had never seen anything beautiful in his whole life. She went up to him and poked him in the eye with her hoof.

                    "OW...what was that for..?"He rubbed his eye softly trying to make sure it hadn't gotten hurt some how.

                    "Oh I was just wonderin’ why the heck you were lookin’ at me is all…"

                    "Oh uh… well I was just looking at your rather beautiful cutie mark is all," He blushed and looked away trying not to seem embarrassed.

                     "Hm... well then do you wanna get a bite to eat I’m actually starving for one of those daisy sandwiches," She looked at him and smiled as the wind gently blew past them.

                     He stared at her and smiled. "Uh… Sure" The two ponies headed to the cafe that just happened to be in Ponyville. It was then when she cam across her friend and savior, Octavia. She looked in her direction and waved. Octavia was with her new found friend, Vinyl Scratch. Both Octavia and Vinyl waved,

                    “Hey Octavia,” Golden star exclaimed. The fillies ran towards each other. They embraced. Finally it had been five months since Octavia had seen her friend, she didn’t want to let go but noticed the Colt who was waiting anxiously a foot behind Star,

                    “Oh who’s this?” Octavia asked. Star and Doctor Whooves began to blush.

                    “This is uh, Doctor Whooves we were gonna go get a daisy sandwich at the café,” Golden Star replied. Octavia smiled and gave her a goodbye hug.

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