Chapter 2

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I didn't know what to do. Either burst in there and yell at the top of my lungs, or just leave right here and never contact him ever again. I unlocked the door really carefully and shut the door slowly. The moans got louder. Inside my room? I walked closer, and the door was cracked. I peeked in and saw Justin on top of some dirty, nasty whore.

"J-J-Justin?" I stuttered.

He just stopped what he was doing and turned around. It was really awkward.

"Autumn?" he asked.

I turned around and left. I ran until my legs couldn't move anymore. I didn't turn back. I couldn't turn back. 

I saw a bench and limped towards it. The place I stopped at was deserted. Not a soul in sight. I closed my eyes, remembering that one picture in my head. I instantly opened my eyes not wanting to remember what happened. I couldn't stop seeing it though. Why? What did I do to deserve this?

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a voice.

"Hey! Hey you! You're not supposed to be outdoors!" the voice said.

I looked over to where the sound was and saw an middle aged man.

"What?" I said.

"Earthquake warning!" he yelled.

And of course, my instinct told me to run away.

The man couldn't have this for a reason, so he ran outside of his apartment and started chasing me.

I started panicking, I wanted to get back home, with Justin.

The man was a lot faster than I was, so he caught up to me fast. He pulled me to the ground.

"Come to my place, you'll be safe." he said.

"No, I want to go home!" I yelled.

I started kicking and screaming, trying to get out of his grasp.

"Get off!" I yelled.

He kicked me in my back, puncturing my lungs, causing me to stop breathing for a second.

Gasping for breath, I looked up to him. He had a bottle and a rag with him.

He came towards me, holding the rag in his hand, placing it on my mouth.

Then everything went black.

A/N: HAHAHAHAHA you thought I was done with this! I'm not! I started brainstorming on chapter one of Cheat and came up with a better chapter 2! I hope you enjoyed! Please let me know if I should put up chapter 3! Thanks for reading!  


Cheat; a Justin Bieber fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now