Chapter 18

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Justin's P.O.V.

"Okay, we'll meet you at the station, for questioning." I said to the police officer.

He nodded, and I looked over to Megan, and she looked like she was going to faint.

I noticed her holing Autumn's hand, while the nurses were placing her on a stretcher, with an air mask of her face.

I ran over to Autumn, and a few police officers saw me.

They ran over to me, blocking me away from Autumn.

"Let me through!" I screamed.

I kept struggling, wanting to get over to Autumn.

"Megan!" I yelled.

She looked over to me and ran over to the police officers.

"He's her boyfriend." she said calmly.

They exchanged looks at each other, then nodded.

As soon as they let me go, I ran all the way to Autumn. 

I needed to know if she was okay.


Megan's P.O.V.

Justin ran into me, trying to get to Autumn.

"Justin!" I yelled.

"Autumn!" he screamed, ignoring me. 

My hands found it's way to my forhead, trying to rub away my migrane.

I looked over to the police officers. 

They were walking John out of the house. 

I looked at Justin.

He was already looking at me.

I mouthed 'no' to him.

He looked like he was about to run over to them and attack John.

I didn't want Justin to get in trouble, so before he could do anything stupid, I ran over to him.

When I got to him, I tried my hardest to hold him back.

"Someone help me!" I shouted.

Two other police officers ran over to Justin and I.

They took him away from me.

"Get the fuck off of me!" he screamed.

"Sir, stop, go with the young lady. She needs you." one of them said.

Justin stopped fidigiting, and calmed down.

"You're right." he said.

They let him go, and he walked over to the ambulance, then inside it.

They closed the doors and before it took off I saw Justin grab Autumn's hand.

I was hoping I would see her grab his hand back, but she didn't.


Justin's P.O.V.

"Please, please be okay." I whisper.

I let go of her hand and got in a position to pray.

"Dear Lord, please let Autumn survive this. Please let her live. I'll do anything, I'll become a better person. I'll show her that I am truly sorry for cheating on her. I'll be the boyfriend she wants. I'll be a good person, I promise. Just please, help me here. And I know I don't talk to you as much as I should, but, please you're help is very needed right now." I prayed.

I bit my lip, trying not to cry. 

I've done enough of that shit.

"I've gotta be strong for Autumn." I said.

I looked at her.

She looked so peaceful. 

I just wish they would tell me if she was going to be okay.

"Excuse me, would you please tell me if she's going to be okay?" I asked.

"Sir, we can't tell you that until we get to the hospital." one of them said.

I looked over to one of the nurses, who was checking Autumn's heart rate.

Something started beeping.

The nurse looked nervous.

She knocked on the window.

She whispered something to the man in the passenger seat.

Suddenly, the driver started speeding.

He turned a switch, which started the sirens.

"W-What's going on?" I asked.

"Her heart rate dropped dramatically. C'mon guys, drive! We're loosing her!" she shouted.

"Oh my god." I whispered.

My phone started ringing, and it startled the nurse.

"H-Hello?" I stuttered.

"Justin, what's going on in there? Why the hell did you start speeding up?" she asked.

"Her h-heart rate has d-dropped really b-b-bad." I stuttered.

"What?! Oh my god!" she shouted.

I heard her sniffling. 

"M-Megan, get off the phone and drive!" I shouted.

"Okay, bye." she said.

"Megan, please be safe." I whispered.

If I loose Autumn, I don't know what I'd do.

I'd probably die.


The thing stopped beeping, and my head popped up.

The screen showed a flat line.

A long beeping sound came on.

I looked at the nurse.

"Guys! She flat-lined! Drive!" she screamed.

What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On. 

"Is she dying?" I asked, about to throw up.

"She's already dead." 



I hope you've enjoyed Chapter 18! <3333


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