Chapter 20

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Autumn's P.O.V.

"W-What?" I stuttered.

"They're gone, I don't know how they escaped, but they did." the officer said.

"No, this isn't happening, can't you get someone to search for them?" I asked.

"That's what we're doing right now swettie." he said.

I looked over at Justin and he looked like he wanted to punch a wall.

"What the fuck? How do they do this shit? They always end up escaping and Chase fucking survived Megan's wrath!" he shouted.

"Shut up Justin!" she whisper shouted.

"What wrath?" the police officer asked.

"When you catch them, you'll find out." I said.

Megan looked at me and smiled.

"Okay then." the officer said.

"I'm still hungry." I said, impatiently.

"So, you want food, huh?" someone said.

"Hell yeah." I said.

Then I saw his figure.

"Oh shit." I said.

"Yeah, you better be scared." John said.

"Please be a dream, please be a dream." I whispered.

I opened my eyes to see Chase.

I was in no mood for their bullshit right now.

"What the fuck do you want now?" I hissed.

"Listen bitch, yo-"

"No, you listen. You dirty, disgusting motherfucker. You will not push me around anymore." I said.

"Oh look who finally got some balls!" he said.

"Well, at least I have the balls to taze you." the officer said.

He took his tazer and tazed his neck and John went for a swing, but failed when the officer put him into a headlock. 

He handcuffed John and then handcuffed Chase.

He took his walkie-talkie and told the others to bring the S.W.A.T Team to the hospital.

"Well, that was fucking awesome." Megan said.

"I try." he said, smirking a little.

"Let's talk." she said, taking his arm and walking out of the hospital room.

She looked back to me and I winked at her.

As soon as they walked out, a whole squad of S.W.A.T. members came rushing in.

They took John and Chase and walked out.

A police officer came in and Justin sighed.

"Hello Autumn, I'm Officer Bracket. But you can call me Kurt." he said, extending his arm.

I gladly shook his hand and he dragged over a chair and sat it next to the bed.

He opened up the sketch pad and looked at me.

"Well? Go on. Tell me. I'm all ears." he said, shooting me a smile.

Justin looked at him, shooting a death glare.

"Well, there's a lot." I said.

"It's okay baby, it's all over." Justin said, grabbing my hand.

"Okay. Well it started when-"





lol I hope you enjoyed Chappy 20

I'm also very sorry it took me like forever to update it and you are probs mad.

Well it's here now! (:


Cheat; a Justin Bieber fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now