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*Present time*

Charity's POV

I am now officially 16, my birthday was a week ago, not that anyone noticed. I got one 'happy birthday' said to me, from Devene, but my brother didn't even realise. I shifted on my own, no one helped me like a pack should do. I felt all my bones break and shift. Screaming, all I did was scream. Alone in the forest with no one to help,  I begged for the spirits to make it stop. My wolf. I don't even know what it looks like, my wolf is even blind. But everyday she tells me I'm beautiful and strong. That keeps me going. If she wasn't there, I wouldn't know what to do. My wolf's name is Destiny. Destiny Jade. I remember my birthday surprise like it was only yesterday.

*Flashback to last week- Jade's Birthday*

I woke up and washed my hair, I knew where everything was now, my bathroom, the stairs, the kitchen and so on. Yeah, I sometimes still trip, but that's because I'm either going too fast or the devil's leave their toys out on the corridors'. Today I will turn 16. I will shift the minute I was born and find my mate. My mate. Will he leave me? Will he reject me? I'm scared of rejection. I've been rejected for the past 2 years from my pack, I can't handle my mate rejecting me, not when he's supposed to save me from this hell hole. I felt for the clock and presses the button. 

'07:43am' It said in a robotic voice. I carefully went down the stairs and into the kitchen where I made breakfast with the help of the chef. He told me what to do and made sure I was careful. I couldn't hold a knife though, they wouldn't let me. 

'Morning Miss Jade.' Chef Antonio said in his Italian accent. I laughed and said good morning back. 

'What are we making today?'

'Err- we shall make the pack pancakes, you're famous blueberry and chocolate chipped pancakes'  He replied. I smiled knowingly. I loved to make pancakes, I could make them everyday and not get tired of it. We got to work and by 10:25am we had made 346. Just enough for the pack. I washed up, and heard the pack come down. I might get  present from Dean and Devene. I smiled at the thought.

Laughter filled the kitchen and everyone complimented chef Antonio that the pancakes were good. My smile faltered a bit. My pancakes were good. But no one realised I had made them. 

I heard footsteps come my way. 

'Happy Birthday, Charity' I smiled at Devene, she was the first one to tell me that. I went back upstairs and turned on my Ipod. Your Song came on by Elton John. I sang along whilst bobbing my head up and down to the music. I pressed the button on the clock and it said 11:46am. Just one more hour until I shift. I couldn't wait, I'll have my pack by my side even if they do hate me. It's the rules. I smiled waiting for the hour to pass.

45 minutes later I started to feel a numb kind of pain in my back; it must be starting. The pain intensified and soon spread to the whole of my body. I needed to go out. I screamed for help but no one came.

'DEAN! DEVENE? HELP, PLEASE! SOMEONE?!' I screamed in pain and collapsed onto the floor. With the energy I could find,  lifted myself up and made my way to the window tripping on my bed on the way. I felt for the ledge and knelt on it. The window was already open so all I had to do was jump and hope I land safely. 

'AGHHHHH!' The pain shot through my spine and into my arms. I lost my balance and fell forward through the window. I landed on my front with a loud thump. My body was searing in pain. 

'SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP!' I screamed for assistance. I was going to go through this alone, no one to help me. I felt my bones crack and shift into another position. My body shifted along with it. 

'AGHHHH!' My legs clicked first, then my arms and soon my back. I shook my head and felt my neck reposition itself. The pain was slowly fading. I fell to the floor and let out a loud breath. 

'Hello Charity, my name is Destiny, I am your wolf, but I am also blind, unfortunately. I have been seeking for you for a long time now and I finally found you. You are in wolf form at the moment. I need to run. To feel free.' I felt confused. Run? Soon I had no control of my body, my wold took over and ran through the green forest, bashing into the odd tree. We reached outside the pack house and I shifted back into human. My body felt cold. I touched my stomach and realised it was bare. I felt around and found out I was only in my bra and underwear. I decided to sneak back in the house without getting caught. 

I was inside and was going up the stairs when I heard laughter in the kitchen. Dean's laugh could be heard. I felt betrayed, whilst I was in pain, he was in here laughing. No one heard me because of  the amount of fun they were having. I trodded sulkily up the stairs and into my room. I laid down on the bed and let the waterworks start. 

'You don't need them, I'm sorry you didn't find your mate but you will soon. Everyone has their other half, you just got to look in the right places and be in the right places to find them. Sometimes it's best if you look in the wrong place, you'll never know what's hidden beneath the crust until you dig deep.' My wold told me. I smiled at the thought of my other half. What did she mean? I let my thoughts run through my mind and I slept thinking about my other half. My mate.

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