Alpha What?!

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I woke up the next morning to my alarm clock blaring 'Party Rock Anthem' Lmfao. Not the right time for a party. Not when you have the enemy pack coming for a pack meeting. Shit! They're coming today. I stumbled out of bed and got dressed into a mid-thigh dress... I think. I asked Devene to do my hair for me. I needed to look presentable.

It's not like anyone's going to look at you. You'll be out of their sight and in the kitchen. Destiny had woken up. 

'Yeah well, it's better than accidentally seeing them and looking like a scum from the street.' I retaliated. 

I went down stairs carefully and made my way into our kitchen. I greeted Chef Antonio and we got cooking and preparing for the arrival. The 50 pack members which will be present from our pack were already downstairs lounging around the telly. 

'Oh Oh Oh Ohhhh. Dammit. Come on Forest!' Pff typical guys watching football (soccer for any Americans reading xx). I mean what's so entertaining about a bunch of sweaty men kicking around a football and tackling each other? A round of groans suddenly came on. 

'What?' 'What happened?' 'WHY???' Well the last one was definitely Dean, only he would shout at the TV like the people on it can actually hear you. Hmm... like me on my period. Especially when the adverts come on when watching the Vampire Diaries or Arrow. I shout sarcastic comments at the advert and pretend the people can hear me. I know what you're thinking. A blind girl watching TV? What? Well, me and Devene usually sit on the bed in her and Dean's room, she watches them and I just listen to what's going on. It's a win win.

'The Duchess of Cambridge has delivered a baby boy. At 4:24 pm the baby was delivered at St. Mary's hospital yesterday, the baby weighed 8 lbs and 6 oz. We are now waiting at the hospital entrance for the arrival of our Prince and future King.' Oh yeah Princess Kate had a baby boy. How cute. The boys are probably moaning at how the channel changed automatically. (That's actually what happened to me today, I was watching re runs of the Vampire Diaries - when Jenna dies- and the channel flipped to the royal baby, not that you wanted to know xx) idiots. 

2 hours later, everything was ready. All that was left was the Blood Rile Pack coming. 

'Charity, remember what I said yesterday. You're an Omega, so act like one. Got it?' The future Alpha Xavier spat in my face. I just nodded my head and not long after did the scent of their pack come. Blood, wood and burning took over my nose. Along with that smell, came an intoxicating devouring one. Cinnamon, wood, and a hint of lemon.

Mate. Mate. Mine. Destiny kept chanting in my head. But sadly, it was my time to go back into the kitchen. Ignoring Destiny's protests, I plodded towards the kitchen and kept myself out of sight. 

Mate. Mate. Mine Go to mate. 

'Shut up Dessy, I heard you the first time, our mate's not here OK. He never will be.' 

NO! Mate. Here. Mate  I just ignored her and talked to Chef Antonio about the pack

'My bella, you must do what Alpha says. If he wants something, you go get it. But don't do it in the expense of hurting yourself. The Braille isn't all there yet, but it is on the doors and cupboards. Now, look pretty my bella. Go out there and serve.' Chef Antonio told me in his Italian accent. He always called me 'my bella'. Literally. The moment I stepped in the kitchen for the first time, I was greeted with 'Oh my bella, my bella, bella bella, my bella' I laughed at the memory. The door bell rang and I froze. Both scents overtook my nose and I took a breath in. The sound of the door opening knocked me out of lala land. 

'Alpha' Xavier said. 

'Xavier' I heard a husky, gruff voice. It was music to my ears. As soon as he spoke, Destiny was jumping up and down.

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