:: Attempt 06 | The Irony of Choking on a Lifesaver ::

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:: Attempt 06 | The Irony of Choking on a Lifesaver ::

"Stop fucking around with my emotions,
I like you better when you're numb.
I'm sick and tired of false devotion,
Devote yourself to moving on
Or suck it up and let it go.

"But you're always out to get me.


You think opinions make you savvy,
(Like you're some kind of "expert")
Your running mouth falls on deaf ears.
(I tried to get you to understand)
You say you're winning 'cause you're laughing.
(get it all into the last time?)
While I'm crying crocodile tears,
Just suck it up and let it go."
-"The Irony of Choking on a Lifesaver" by All Time Low
[Song suggestion by ThatCertainNerd .]

x + x

[Location: A restaurant some ways off the main highway; Kyushu, Japan.]

She smoothes out the irritation once visible upon her face, taking a seat opposite the two who came before her. The boy tenses at the action, shooting the girl a brief look of wariness, before he slowly starts to sink into the saggy leather of the booth, while the woman simply offers a glass of soda (?), which the auburn-haired girl takes  return.

"I know you didn't want to be assigned to this case," she says to the only male in the trio, tapping at the glass. He noticeably flinches, and he barely looks up to meet her feline-like gaze. The clear cobalt hues in her eyes twinkle almost dangerously, and he lowers his amber eyes back down to the reflective surface of the table.

In the murky glass, it's almost unnatural to see her face so composed - usually, she displays a haughty sneer he can never stand.

The blonde woman simply pats his back, before placing the cigarette dangling from her fingers to her lips and taking a long drag, letting loose a small puff of smoke.

"But it was this or to assassinate another one of those drug dens you favor. Either way, you didn't have much of a choice.." She pauses, as though purposefully aiming to deliver the next tidbit with a relish - if the sadistic glimmer in her eyes was any more proof other than the amused tone of her voice.

"Or did you, now, lâche [1]?"

He narrows his eyes, his lips thinning into a tight line. 'Septem' almost whips back a foul-mouthed retort, though he bites his tongue to keep from doing so. 'Seis' leans back into her seat, her cobalt eyes showing amusement amidst the bleary look to them beneath the brim of her fedora. She rests her free arm against the back of the boy's chair, knocking the ash off the cigarette and into the tiny metal pan set onto the table for its purpose.

"Youngsters these days," the woman drawls, tilting her head back, her dyed blond hair slipping from beneath the confines of her hat. She takes it off, raking her fingers through the golden strands. "All hot-blooded, keepin' a record of who's who - the yellow-bellied lying beneath the feet of the so-called 'strong'."

She looks at the teenagers, lifting her shoulders up in a nonchalant shrug. "If I were ya, I'd be talkin' 'bout the mission in an' o' itself," she slurs, tapping her fingertips against the rim of her mug - which had once been filled of a pungent-smelling liquor whose name 'Septem' had no interest in knowing. "Not.. Fightin' like lil' brats. You're even worse - worse off than the 'Duo' when 'Vena's all bitchy an' shit and 'Miles's just placatin' 'er an' all that bullshit."

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