4. Too Real To Be A Nightmare

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4. Too Real To Be A Nightmare

Rosa lay tossing and turning in her bed, the Mark in her arm burned like someone had just put a white-hot iron on it. She sat up and threw the covers off of her body. She padded to the window and looked out across the grounds, she saw a small hut with it's windows glowing dimly in the gentle rain that poured.

Another stabbing pain traveled through her arm, making her nauseous. She ripped up her sleeve and gasped, the Mark was moving. She gently poked it with her finger. It felt as if a hook had been wrapped around her waist as she travelled forwards, her feet leaving the ground. She touched back down a moment later.

Rain began pouring over her as she took in her surroundings, she was outside of a large manor. She quickly ran onto the covered porch and began beating on the door. It opened and a rough hand grabbed her, jerking her in.

The large man examined her arm and shoved her into dark room, the dark slammed shut behind her. Rosa looked around, she seemed to be in a library. She walked towards a shelf, examining the spine of a book.

"History of the Malfoy Manor." she read aloud. "Why does that sound familiar?"

"Because you're at my home, Rosannah." sneered a voice. Rosa dropped the book and spun around. Draco Malfoy stared her in the eye.

"Expelliarmus!" Draco cried, but nothing happened. Rosa's wand lay forgotten on her bedside table.

A sick smile appeared on Draco's face. He knew she was unarmed and powerless. He grabbed her roughly by the arm causing her to yelp in pain.

"Careful with my daughter, Malfoy." said a voice from the shadow. Rosa's blood ran cold. Careful with his daughter?

"Yes, Master." Draco replied, his grip loosened. He shoved her towards a chair in the corner of the library.

In the chair set none other than Lord Voldemort in his full form. He looked paler than usual but he smiled a horrible smile at his daughter. Draco pushed her onto her knees. The boy bowed to his master and left. Rosa her the door click a moment later. Rosa looked up at her father, a look of pure hatred shewn on her face.

"You have something I need, my dear." he said gently. He clasped his hands together.

"You'll get nothing from me, you foul creature!" Rosa spat at him, her eyes radiated pure hatred.

"Oh, my darling daughter has a bit of a temper. How about Daddy fixes that with a little tough love?" he sneered, pulling out a wand.

"Crucio." he said calmly, flicking his wrist.

Pain seared through Rosa's body, she lay of the floor writhing in pain. The pain seared through her body causing her head to whip back and forth. Tears formed in her eyes and she cried out in pain. Then as suddenly as it had started, the pain had stopped.

"Now, that my dear, isn't even the full power." he said, Rosa pulled herself to her feet and stood dripping in front of her father.

"That was just a bit of love my darling. Daddy loves his little girl." a wicked smile appeared on his pale face.

"You're a monster incapable of love." she spat again.

"As you wish my dear." he whispered, "Crucio!"

Another wave of pain tore through her body. Her muscles tightened to the breaking point. Her arms curled into her body. She wished with every part of her that she would die. She wished that he would end the suffering with one simple flick of the wand. More pain shot through her body. Then again, it stopped suddenly.

"Now give me what I need." he said simply.

"W-what do you need?" she stammered, her breath catching in her throat.

"I need you, my darling." he said standing, he lost his balance for a moment, but regained it a moment later. "I am weak and I need your blood to complete the potion that will bring me to full power so I can seek my vengeance on Harry Potter."

"You're going to have to get my blood from my cold, dead body." Rosa yelled at Voldemort, then spit at his feet. He laughed cruelly.

"That can be arranged, Rosannah." he spat her name.

"I would like to see you, a pathetic shadow, try!" She yelled, still breathing heavily.

"I may be weak, but just a fraction of the Crucio Curse can make you bow before me!" he said trying to remain calm, but he new he was beginning to lose his grip on the girl.

"Crucio!" he called loudly.

"Protego!" Rosa yelled, begging for something to happen despite her lack of wand. To her surprise, and Voldemort's, a shield blocked the curse from hitting her. In that instant he became weaker and her stronger. She felt the new-found magic coursing through her body.

"How?" Voldemort cried. "You cannot channel a spell without a wand!"

He advanced on her, stumbling and weak. A wicked smile on his face.

"Expelliarmus!" Rosa yelled again, a beam of raw, red magic flew out of her hand and hit Voldemort square in the chest, sending his wand flying through the air. Rosa grabbed it and pointed it at the discared book on the floor.

"Portus!" she cried, making it a Portkey to the Gryffindor Common Room. She jumped on it, as soon as she made contact with the book, the hook was back around her waist. She was flying away from the Manor. She heard Voldemort yell after her, desperately trying to do what she had done, cast a spell without wand.

Her feet touched down moments later in the Gryffindor Common Room. She looked around, a terrified look in her eyes. Clutching the book and wand tightly to her chest, she quickly sat down in front of the fire and threw in Voldemort's wand. She watched the wand burn. As the final piece of the wand burned, the Dark Mark rose in the smoke.

"Aguamenti." Rosa whispered, extinguishing the flame with a jet of water from her hand.

Rose walked up the stairs slowly, the affects of the recent curse acting in her system again. She stumbled quietly into the bedroom and fell into her bed, soaking wet and clutching the book from the Manor.

Rosa was awoken what seemed like minutes later by Hermione shaking her violently. Rosa groaned and drug herself out of best, her socks squishing as she stepped on the floor. Hermione examined her roommates sopping wet clothes.

"Rosa," Hermione said, The wet girl looked up at her. "Why are you soaking wet?"

"It was just a nightmare..." she whispered to herself, a strange look on her face.

Hermione shook her head and left the girl standing there. Rosa shook her head, shaking the events of the night before from her head. She dressed slowly and began to make her way to her first class, Divination, skipping breakfast.

She reached the tower nearly thirty minutes early. There was only was student there, he was staring out the window. When she walked up, he turned to her and smiled. There was a feeling in the pit of his stomach that made his feel strange. Part of him wanted to run, the other part wanted to give the bewildered looking girl a hug.

"Hi Rosa." Harry said, she lifted her face to look at him. She again shook her head, clearing her mind. She smiled when she finally saw him.

"Hello Harry." she replied, "Shall we go up?"

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