8. Quidditch, Kisses and Introductions

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8. Quidditch, Kisses and Introductions

The three made their way towards the Quidditch field. On the way they picked up their brooms and the others who had already secured their spot on the team. Harry and Ron, of course, were Seeker and Keeper. Then Neville Longbottom and a third year by the name of Nathan Hicks were the Beaters. The other two Chasers were Oliver Wood's younger brother, Chris, and a fourth year called Sean Kinglsey.

The team gathered the trunk of balls from Madam Hooch's office and flew to the field. Harry explained to Rosa that she needed to take the Quaffle and get it past the Keeper to score. She nodded and kicked off the ground. She flew into the air and was passed the Quaffle. She dodged Bludgers and scored almost immediately. After an hour of playing, Rosa had scored over a hundred points, Ron not being able to block a single one.

The team flew to the center of the field after Neville and Nathan had wrestled the Bludgers back into the trunk. They all hovered in the center, making a circle. Everyone was smiling at the new Chaser. Harry knew that there would be no other try outs because of the actual danger in Quidditch. He had his team.

"Blimey!" Ron laughed with his other teammates."I swear if she was on another team, we would be doomed! I can't block her shots!"

Rosa laughed as Nathan pushed her playfully. They didn't care about what the Prophet had said, they cared about her. She smiled to herself; she was thinking about how the Hat had tried to place her in Slytherin, even though she was obviously a Gryiffindor.

"That stuff in the Prophet couldn't be true." Neville laughed. "You're too sweet to be a snake!"

"Exactly!" Sean said. "You apologized to Chris when you dodged a Bludger and it nearly hit him!"

They all laughed, thinking how ridiculous that the Prophet was. Rosa smiled, even if the rest of the school thought she was a snake these idiots she loved to play Quidditch with were on her side. They made their way back to the castle. The rest of the team left their brooms in their dorms and made their way to lunch. Rosa didn't want to face everyone in the Great Hall, she went to the library alone while Harry begrudgingly joined his friends in the Great Hall.

Rosa snatched a book from the shelf and sat down in a far corner of the library and began reading. She was halfway through the author explaining the difference between a Animagus and a Werewolf when a tall, lean figure blocked her light. She looked up to face Draco Malfoy, her face radiated hatred towards the boy.

"So now Potter knows who you are, my dear." he smiled at her. "Does it change how he feels about you?" Rosa could hear the obvious jealousy in his voice when he talked of Harry. She smiled at him.

"No, my egotistic Draco. Harry doesn't care who my father is." she said it with such satisfaction that it literally caused Draco physical pain. She saw his flinch.

"Leave my ego out of this." he sneered. She stood up looking up at him. She only came up to his nose but she stared at him with nothing but hatred.

"I will speak of your abnormally large ego however I please!" she scowled at him.

Draco hid his feelings with an act. He acted as if she was just another pawn on the board, but deep down the girl he stared at meant something to him. He, the infamous Draco Malfoy, cared for Harry Potter's witch.

Draco couldn't help himself, he gently lifted her chin. The shock was obvious in her eyes. She tried to step back, but his other hand was on the small of her back. Draco dipped his head slightly and kissed the witch. She pulled away from his touch, refusing to have anything to do with him. He pulled away gently, then released her. She fell back on the couch looking horrified.

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