16. Parents

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16. Parents

Rosa and Harry boarded the train and found the compartment filled with their friends. Everyone talked excitedly about the special break, though no one wanted to bring up why they were having it. Midway through their journey, Rosa was fighting the urge to vomit.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked from her position beside Draco. Rosa shook her head, not daring to open her mouth.

"Is she going to...?" Ginny asked and Blaise shrugged. All eyes were on Rosa. The urge finally dissipated and she curled into Harry still feeling ill.

"She's been sick for a while." Harry said nervously stroking the witch's back. He worried that something could seriously be wrong with her.

"What's she got?" Blaise asked, wondering if it was contagious. Harry shrugged.

"I don't know."

"Poor, Rosa." Hermione said quietly. Rosa gave her a weak smile and curled back into Harry.

The rest of the journey was uneventfully wonderful, despite Rosa nearly hurling on the floor on two more occasions. When the train pulled into King's Cross, Harry sent the trunks ahead and quickly Apparated to Grimmauld Place.

Rosa's feet hit the ground hard and she wobbled slightly. Harry stuck out an arm to steady the witch. A hand went to her mouth and a second later she was dashing down the hall to the restroom. Harry quickly followed and again held up her hair.

"I'm dying." Rosa croaked as Harry held her in the bathroom floor.

"You're not dying." Harry chuckled and held the witch. "You're just sick."

"Dying." She whined again.

"No." He assured her. "You just need to go to sleep and rest."

He pulled the witch up off of the bathroom floor and up the stairs to the bedroom. She quickly piled into the bed and continued to whine playfully.

"The light!" She croaked. "It's-it's growing closer. Limbs getting cold. Room growing dark. Goodbye cruel, cruel world! I left the million Galleons under the-"

She stopped and stuck her tongue out, playing dead. Harry rolled his eyes and sat beside her. She peeked one eye open and quickly closed it when she saw he was looking.

"Don't try and be an actress." Harry laughed as he pulled the witch into his arms.

"Am I that bad?" She asked as she nuzzled against him. He nodded grimly.

"Yes." was the only reply.

A few minutes later and the ill witch was sound asleep in Harry's arms. He watched the witch, happy she was his.

The small pop of a house elf signaled the arrival of Janas. She stared at the two, daring to speak. Finally Harry sighed and spoke without moving.

"Yes Janas?"

"Master Harry is needed in the kitchen!"


"There's a Boggart in the cupboard that Master Harry needs to remove!"

"Alright, I'll be there in a moment."

Harry eased himself out from under the witch and set off down the stairs. A minute later, Rosa awoke gently and sighed when she realized Harry was gone.

She sat up against the head board and sighed. She knew she needed to tell Harry about the child, but she was afraid. She sat deep in thought, a nervous expression on her face.

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