30. Proposition

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30. Proposition

Far beyond life itself, in a place where only the dead are living, sat Draco Malfoy. He stared into the small pond before him, just as he had done since he had arrived at this mystical place he now dwelled in. Though the pond before him resembled just an regular pond, it was no ordinary pond, this pond showed the living to the dead. It was like a large screen used by the dead to see how their loved ones would cope. The dead would sit on the shore and watch as time below them carried on, but time around them stood still.

"What an idiot." Draco muttered to himself. He ran a pale hand through his just as pale hair as he cursed Ronald Weasley's very existence.

"Draco, dear." came a voice. The young wizard turned to see his mother shimmering form standing behind him. "Come away from there."

"No, mother! I must watch her and make sure she's alright!" He cried and continued to watch the sobbing, pregnant witch below him. "I can't leave her alone." Sadness and bitterness crept into his now hallow voice.

"Honey stop living in the past." Narcissa told her despair filled son. Draco cringed at her poor choice of words.

Young Draco hadn't left the pond since the day he arrived in the Other World. He had watched Hermione intently, making sure she would be able to cope. Thankfully, she had agreed to marry Weasley, though the recent row Draco had witnessed showed that the two had called it off, leaving Hermione pregnant and their child without a father figure.

"I miss her." Draco said quietly. "I miss our child. I miss my friends and my home. I miss 'living!'" Draco said hiding his face in his hand angrily.

"I know honey." Narcissa Malfoy said quietly as she tried to sympathize with her son.

"No! You don't, Mum! You don't have anyone left behind. I'm here with you. But me? I left the love of my life behind. I left my unborn child. I left my best friend." Draco shouted angrily.

He heard more footsteps approaching and cursed under his breath. He didn't know who else was in the Other World, but a part of him didn't want to find out. Draco looked up to see six people, two he recognized immediately, two seemed vaguely familiar and two he didn't have a clue who they were.

"Professor?" Draco looked up in surprise. Before him stood Severus Snape and Albus Dumbledore. Snape gave the young wizard a look that he assumed was a smile, but resembled a scowl none the less.

"What are you doing here?" Dumbledore asked, taking a seat in the warm grass beside the young wizard.

"I died." Draco scowled outwardly and picked at the grass irately.

"Obviously, Mr. Malfoy." Snape sneered. "But it wasn't your time."

"What?" Draco asked looking up.

"He is correct." Dumbledore nodded. "We all knew our time had come, even your mother. But you, you were supposed to live longer."

"Then let me go back!" Draco shouted at the old wizard.

"It doesn't work like that Draco." came the voice of the green eyed witch beside Snape.

"Who are you?" Draco asked, the irritated tone slipping from his voice. He had never ventured past the pond and into the Other World to explore. He was curious who else inhabited the oasis-like world he now resided in.

"I'm Lily." the witch said gently. "This is my husband James and our friends Remus and Tonks."

"Why do you look so familiar? All of you? I've never met any of you but my Professors." Draco asked slightly bewildered; he cringed silently as a sad sob came from the pond.

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