Hikaru Hitachiin*Music to my ears*

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Ouran Academy, The Elite school for rich kids. In the High School theres a club, The Ouran Host Club. It's where the schools best-looking boys with too much time on their hands entertain young ladies who also have too much time on their hands. *Music Room 3, opens door. light and rose petals* "Welcome to the Ouran High School Host Club!"

______________________Time skip___________________

I walked up the schools wide hallways. I took a deep breath. Ok, first day, new school, back in my hometown, nothing hard right? wrong, so dead wrong. The first thing the people do when I walked through the gate was stare. I looked down at the ground with butterflies in my stomach as I walked nervously to my class. Everything was ok, that is until I bumped into someone. "Ow!" I cried as I fell on my bottom. "Watch where your going" said a voice. "Yeah!" Said a similar voice, but it was higher than the first. That voice sounds so familiar . I got up and brushed down my skirt...or dress. "Sorry," I mumbled. I looked up to see two heads with familiar auburn orange hair and light brownish gold eyes and identical faces, twins obviously. But that triggers a memory.

(Flashback) "Why,(Y/N)?!" Said a young boy with bowl cut orange hair and brown eyes, "I told you, I'm moving to America to study in music " I explained again with my head down, tears threatening to spill. " but you can't just leave me here and go to another continent! What about Kaoru?! All our friends?! Me?! And us...?" He was partially shouting now. Hikaru and I had a relationship for almost two years now... But to pursue my dreams of becoming a famous singer, I seized the opportunity to go to America and study music. The twins might seem like playboys and troublemakers, but deep down, they're just to shy to show their world to other people, that is until I came along. I was singing on the playground one day when I thought no one was around. After I finished the song I heard clapping, I turned around to see two identical boys walking towards me. It was the Hikachii twins, the class troublemakers, pranksters, playboys, and hotties, but they're always too caught up in their own world. "You sound very good " said the one on the right, "like a nightingale. " said the one on the left. I blushed and whispered a thank you . " hey, you wanna play a game?" They said in unison. " sure..." I answered hesitantly." Ok, let's play the which one is Hikaru game!" I looked at them, confused."I have tell you two apart?" "Yes." " that's easy," I said " the right one is Karou and the left one is Hikaru, " I said while pointing to each of them. They looked at each other and smiled." We have a winner!!!" I smiled and blushed again, I've actually been studying the twins for a long time, especially Hikaru. "So you wanna hang out with is at lunch tomorrow?" Said Karou. "Huh?" " well, you won the game, so your prize is that you can hang out with is tomorrow at lunch " "and we'll buy your lunch too" finished Hikaru. I turned even redder. I slowly nodded. "Ok! See you tomorrow (y/n)!" They said as they waved and left , leaving me all alone. Wait. How do they know my name?! And after that, the twins and I started growing closer, and I started developing feelings for Hikaru. But afraid of getting rejected, I stayed quite until one day i finally decided to confess my feelings, and so we started dating. Not one fight over the past 2 years, and now.... "I'm sorry,Hikaru" I apologize again "I love you and all my friends but...I want to go after my dreams" Hikaru opened his mouth to say something but shit it. By then, my tears had already slipped out. " you know what? Forget it. If you want to move, then I can't stop you. We're over! Have fun in America (Y/N)" those were the last words he said to me when he walked away. I wanted to stay, to call out to him, but all what came out was a series of sobs. And I never saw my childhood love again...until 4 years later. (Flashblack ends)

I stared into the same golden-brown eyes I used to get lost in and the same orange hair I used to run my hands through, even though it's now slightly parted to the right, he's still the same. "Oi! What are you staring at?" Hikaru asked with a slighly annoyed tone. Maybe he forgot about me? Then he added "or did you want something from me?" with a mischiveous grin. I blushed .Same as always. "Hikaru! I want something from you too!" Kaoru wined, starting the brotherly love act. "oh? what is it, Kaoru?" asked Hikaru with his eyebrows slightly raised. "You.." Kaoru lifted Hikaru's chin with his fingers and they stay that way for a while. I wanted to gag and giggle at the same time. Finally I couldn't stand it, and let out a giggle. Both brothers turn to me with a confused expression. "I-I'm sorry, It's just too F-Funny!" I said in between laughs. Suddenly, Hikaru's confused expression to realization. "(Y/N)?" I stopped laughing and looked into Hikaru's eyes. "nice to see you again, Hikaru." I said with a small smile. The twins eyes widen, and a large grin set upon their face. "Is it really you?" asked Hikaru."Yes, and here I thought you forgot about me" i said with a chuckle. Hikaru's expression turned serious," I tried to, but you were always on my mind" "I'm sorry i caused you so much pain, Hikaru" I said while looking at the ground " I don't care anymore, I'm just glad that you're back, I missed you, (Y/N)." he said pulling me into a embrace. "I missed you too, Hikaru" I said as I glady returned the hug. After a while, we pulled away and I asked him a question "Hikaru?" "hmm?" he replied. "How did you recongized that it was me?" "Well, the part that was the hardest to forget was you beautiful voice, that you used to sing with.

And that laughter, was Music To My Ears."

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