Valentine Special: EXO Chanyeol X reader *Be Mine*

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Key: (F/D)= Favorite Drink

Today is February the 14th...Valentine's Day. The holiday where all the couples get all lovey-dovey and give each other gifts. Blehh!

As for me, I'm all alone again this Valentine's Day. No one asked me to be their Valentine and I didn't ask anyone to be mine. Well...maybe I wanted to ask just one person. His name his Park Chanyeol and he's a senior at our school. He's like the Prince Charming of every girl and the perfect Valentine. I had a crush on him since my first year of high school. He's the one the receives the most confessions and gifts on Valentine's Day, but he always declines the confessions, throw away the love letters, and gives the chocolate to his friends. So why should I even bother asking when he has turned down some of the most beautiful and popular girls in the school? I sighed and hid my face in my arms, love is hopeless for me.


I heard a deep voice and lifted my head up.

Park Chanyeol's tall figure was towering over me with a playful smirk on his face.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You're (Y/N) right?" He asked

I nodded, surprised he knew my name.

"So I was wondering if you'll like to go to the new restaurant that just opened in town after school today with me." He proposed.

Did...he just ask me out?

"Um...sure" I accepted

He gave his signature contagious smile. "Great, I'll meet you after school."

He then rushed away to his friends who started teasing him. Park Chanyeol just asked me out on a date...on Valentine's I started spacing out, still thinking about what happened.

~After School~

I hurried home and said a quick hello to my family and rushed to my room. I started searching through my closet for the perfect outfit for my date. After minutes of endless searching, I ended up with a casual cute pink dress with an open dress, a black blazer, a pink purse, a black diamond ring and earrings as accessories, and black heels.


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Perfect. I drove to the new restaurant and told the receptionist to look under the reservation of "Park" she lead me to a private table booth where Chanyeol was already waiting, looking as handsome as ever.

" Hey, sorry I'm late." I said as I slid into the chair across from him.

"No problem, I just got here myself too," he said as he smiled.

The waiter came over and took our orders. "What would this lovely couple here like to order?"

Couple? we look like a couple?

" I'll just take today's special with champagne, please" Chanyeol ordered.

"I'll get the the same thing with (F/D), please. Thank you." I placed my order as well.

"Alright, I'll be right back with your drinks." The waiter said as he disappeared.

"So..." I started. "Why did you want to hang out with me? And today of all days?"

"Well, IreallylikedyousinceIfirstsawyouandIwanttoconfessmylovetoyouonventinesdaysowillyoubemygirlfriend?" He said really fast

"What? Slow down." I said as I chuckled at him.

"I said" Chanyeol started again. "I really liked you since I first saw you...and so I want to confess my love to you on Valentine's you be my girlfriend?" He blushed after he finished.

I was shocked. Did Park Chanyeol, who turned down thousands of confessions each day just confessed to me?

I must have seem unwilling so Chanyeol said "it's ok if you don't return my feelings, I understand"

"No!" I quickly blurted out. "I mean, I accept your feeling. I actually like you too, so yes I will be your girlfriend." At this point, I was blushing too.

Chanyeol smiled widely and took my hand in his. "(Y/N) can I ask you a question?"

I nodded,

"Be Mine."

A/N: Happy Valentine's Day!!! So this year, I'm all alone on Valentine's Day again!!! Yay me!!! #foreversingle Every one of my friends have teddy bears, chocolates, flowers, and cards. Me? I have imaginary relationships with boys all the way across the world who don't even know I exist. T.T Forgive me, this oneshot was short af but I was in a rush. So the good news is...EXO COMING TO AMERICA!!! I'm to excited!!! The bad news is...their not coming to an area near me, they're going to Newark, New Jersey and Los Angeles, California....why New Jersey though? Who goes to New Jersey? Appearntly BTS and EXO. [BOI] But...there's a rumor that EXO is having a summer comeback and hopefully going to tour China because It's been confirmed that I'm going back to the country of my ancestors this summer ^^ yay!! I'm going to get so much merchandise and hopefully got to a concert and survive the Internet ban. Well, until then. Don't forget to request, comment, vote and follow me!!! ❤️

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