EXO Baekhyun *Puppy Love*

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requested by @huyanyan

A/N: This was my very first request so thank you @huyanyan, and I'm so very, terribly sorry that is it took so long, it was suppose to be due a long time ago so thank you for waiting so patiently!!! BTW, I hope that you don't mind that I changed the story plot a little bit.

Key: (D/N)=dog's name

"Ahhh!" I screamed as a water balloon exploded after hitting me hard in the chest and water splashed all over me.

It was a nice and warm summer Saturday, I was just taking a pleasant walk with my dog when a certain 'someone' bombed me with water balloons, soaking me from head to toe. Even without looking at that certain 'someone', I already know who it was when a high-pitched laughter rung in my ears. I turned to glare at my attacker as he laughed at my current state. No, It wasn't some stupid immature kid from next door or the neighborhood bully that got on everybody's nerves, it was no other than...

"Byun BaekHyun!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and the laughter stopped. I continued to glare at the puppy-faced boy while he tried not to giggle but failed. "(D/N)..." I growled, "bite him!" (D/N) ran to BaekHyun and what I thought was going to bite him, but instead, the canine sat down right in front of him and panted with its tongue out. The scarlet haired (A/N: this is when BaekHyun had scarlet red hair) boy crouched down and scratched the dog behind it's ears. "Traitor..." I mumbled. "Let's go (D/N)." The little puppy got up from it's spot and started to follow me. "Hey (Y/N)!" BaekHyun shouted. "What?!" I called back, irritated. "I like..." He started. I began to be hopeful. "...your dog." he finished. I tried to not seem disappointed. "Thanks.." I grunted and walked towards home to change into some dry clothes.

That guy back there was Byun BaekHyun, the most annoying person I ever met and also the most childish, He's an adult for heaven's sake. The weird thing is that he is actually popular with the girls and I possibly, might, could, maybe have a eensy teensy tiny crush on him...

I changed into new, dry clothes and was brushing my wet hair when the doorbell rang. I rushed downstairs to see who it is and let's just say I wasn't really happy to see who was at the door. "BaekHyun!" said my mom. "Come in!" and he did. "What are 'you' doing at 'my' house?!!" I whisper shouted to him. "You'll see." Baekhyun said with that irritating pranksters grin. "Oh! (Y/N), I forgot to tell you!" said my mom. "Your dad and I are going to visit your grandmother's for a day. We won't be back till tomorrow, and I got BaekHyun to help you look after (D/N)." I stared at her, wide eyed. " I can take care of (D/N) perfectly myself." "Not according to our neighbors, last time your stayed home alone with (D/N), you accidently locked (D/N) outside in the cold for 5 hours straight, and he woke up the entire neighborhood with his howls and barks." My mom said as she crossing her arms and gave me that 'really?' stare. I fought the urge to roll my eyes and glared at BaekHyun, who still had that stupid smile on his face. " When are you guys leaving?" I asked. " As soon as your dad gets home from work." my mom informed, and as if on cue, the front door opened to reveal my dad with a 'tired from work' face on him. "Let's go." said my mom, as she pushed my dad right back out the door.

Soon, it was just me and...this guy. "Great..." I said. " I'm stuck with you for the rest of the day." BaekHyun pretended to be hurt. "Do you know how many girls would die to spend just an hour with me?" (A/N: Me included...What? It's the famous BaekHyun of EXO!) "Do I look like I'm one of them?" I asked. Yes, I am... Suddenly, (D/N) came running into the room with his tail wagging excitedly. I crouched down and spread my arms out for him to jump into, but...the little traitor ran past me and into BaekHyun's arms instead. I stood up and glared at both of the little pests. BaekHyun just laughed as (D/N) licked his beautiful...I mean, ugly face. I rolled my eyes at them and went upstairs to my room. I made sure the door was locked and plopped face down onto my bed. "ARGHHH!!!!" My scream was muffled by my pillow as I flailed my arms and legs around. It wasn't a scream of frustration, but nevertheless, a scream of...happiness. I can't believe that I'm stuck with my crush for the rest of the day! I flipped onto my back and hugged my pillow to my chest. I stared at the ceiling, smiling like an idiot until I decided to see if the two spawns of satan had destroyed my house yet.

I looked in the kitchen, no puppy. I looked in the living room, no hot guy. I looked all over the house but couldn't find the two troublemakers. I started to grow worried until I heard a small snoring sound coming from the guest bedroom. I poked my head in to see (D/N) curled up, asleep, but he wasn't the only one who was asleep. On the bed next to my little angel, was BaekHyun slightly snoring and had an arm wrapped around the dog. He looked so adorable when he was asleep, like...an adorable puppy. I was about to leave them alone until BaekHyun started sleep-talking. "(Y/N)..." he mumbled. My expression softened as I continued to watch them sleep. "(Y/N)...I like...you..." those exact word came out of BaekHyun's mouth. My eyes widen, was he dreaming about me? He likes me? Wait, am I in a dream? I stepped backwards only to step on one of (D/N)'s abandoned squeaky toys and it let out a long squeak. The sound woke the two angels, and (D/N) immediately started barking and the other one was looking around confused. His wandering eyes stopped on me, and he noticed the dark reddish pink hue on my cheeks from when I heard him sleep-talking. His eyes widen in realization at what he did when he was unconscious, and he started blushing too.

 I turned to get out of this awkward situation, but only to trip over the squeaky toy. I made a mental note to never buying anymore squeaky toys again. I braced for the impact of the hard floor, but it never came. Confused, I opened my eyes to see a pair of sparkling, beautiful dark brown orbs. I blushed even harder and my heart started to beat faster. For some reason, he was closer every second, until...his lips connected with mine. My eyes widen in shock and I tried to push back, but...this feeling made it impossible. Finally, He pulled back with the equal shade of red on his face. "I..uh...really like you." he said. I didn't say anything due to the shock. " I know that you probably hate me, but I have liked you ever since I moved into the neighborhood, when I first saw you in high school. That's why I always tease you so much..." he said, shyly. There was silence in the air, until BaekHyun bursted into a laughing fit. My expression went from shocked to confused. " I can't believe you actually fell for it!"

 My vision turned blurry for all of a sudden and I can feel something wet sliding down my cheek. "I hate you, Byun BaekHyun!" I shouted at him as I shoved past him, but a hand strongly gripped my wrist, preventing me from going any further. I turned, teary eyed, to the guy that played with my feelings, expecting another mean remark, but instead, to see BaekHyun's serious than ever expression. I tugged at my arm, hinting at him to let go, but instead, he pulled me to his chest. At first, I pounded at his chest, struggling to get free, but his iron grip made it impossible, so I stopped and sobbed into his chest. He stroked my hair and whispered into my ear. "I wasn't lying about liking you. In fact, I think I might be in love with you." I looked up at him, and we stayed that way for a moment, looking into each other's eyes. He started to lean in for another kiss...our lips were just centimeters apart...."Woof!" a loud bark interrupted us, and we quickly separated. We turned to the source of the noise and saw an jealous looking puppy looking right back at us. We laughed, and I picked up (D/N) and walked over to the bed. I laid on the soft bed with (D/N), and BaekHyun joined us. We all cuddled and laid there until we all fell asleep.

 Who know a little puppy love would be such a pleasant thing?

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