EXO Lay*There's No Healing My Broken Heart*

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A/N: slight angus


"I hate you! I never want to see you again" I screamed in his face as I slammed the door with a loud BANG. I slid down slowly, leaning on the door frame, crying into my arms. I curl myself into a ball and fell asleep.

Now here I am, surrounded by loud music, alcohol, and sweaty bodies. I took another shot of the bitter alcohol but it seems to reduce my pain. "Another Round, please" I said. "Miss, this is your 13th glass, are you sure you can handle that much?" The bartender asked. "I don't care, I just want to forget everything" I answered back, already slightly dizzy. The bartender just nodded and poured me another glass.

"Hey, babe" a man about twice my age sat down on the chair. "Watcha doing here all alone?" "None of your business " I answered back, "fiesty huh?" He said "I like it" he tried to put his arms around me and I slapped it away. "Don't touch me" The man scowled and force himself on me. I slapped him hard. He glared at me and being the drunk thing I am, I laughed at his face, not noticing the amount of danger I was in. The man was about to attack me when a strong , muscular arm stopped him.

I followed the arm to its owner. Ugh, it's the last person I wanted to see on earth. "You wanna fight little boy?" Growled the man. "Sorry sir, but I don't think it's right to hit a girl, especially MY girl" His face showed that the other side of him that rarely gets let out is coming out. Even the perverted man trembled a bit. "Tch, she should've told me she had a man" and after that he left.

Lay turned to me with concern in his eyes "are you ok?" "yeah but if you disappear from my sight that'll be even better" I snapped, I almost fell being drunk and in high heels. Lay caught me and said "let's get you home " "ugh" I was too weak to argue with him.

Time skip........

Lay arrived at the apartment we used to share ...before he moved out. He still had the key apparently. He carried me to my bedroom and dropped me on my bed. I faintly look up on his face then fell asleep.

Time skip to morning...

Uh... My head hurts. I'm having a horrible hangover, I'm lucky I don't have alcohol poisoning by now. Then I realized there was somebody next to me. I turned to see Lay sleeping like a baby. I love how he sleeps, as creepy as it sounds, when lay is sleeping , it's on of the only times i can have him all to myself. I moved a piece of his hair and accidentally woke him up.

"Morning " he said as he opened his sleepy eyes. "Morning" I replied back "and thanks for last night" "your welcome" he smiled that dimpled smile I always loved "does your head hurt right now ? I can heal it " "how?" I asked. "I'm a magical healing unicorn ,remember? I can heal everything" I giggle a little at his childishness but my face fell immediately afterwards remembering the fight. I mumbled

"But there's no healing my broken heart."


A/N: comment if you want a second part

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