EXO Lay *Not a replacement *

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A/N: Hi guys! so I don't know if any of you have watched or at least know the chinese drama Lay was starred in, "The Mystic Nine." Which is the before story of "The Grave Robbers' Chronicles." Staring Li Yifeng and Yang Yang. Also Luhan is staring in the movie version of it. For those of you who don't know about it, the setting is in Lay's hometown, ChangSha, during WWII in Asia. So there are 9 powerful people in ChangSha. They all have a special talent and are all involved in grave robbery. Lay plays the role of Er Yue hong or Er Ye, which translates to second master, so he is the second most powerful of the nine. He is the most handsome, strong, intelligent, and rich besides the First Master in town. He works as a Chinese Opera Singer and has a lovely wife named Ya tou, and a student named Tei Pi, who is in love with Ya tou. Anyways, Ya tou dies of an uncurable illness and Er Ye is pernamently scarred. Tei Pi is also effected by the death of Ya Tou and turns evil, and joins the enemy of the Mystic Nine, the Japanese and A very evil American doctor. So in this oneshot, you are playing the role of Lay's 2nd Wife, his mistress. you guys were married by an arranged marriage. He is the love of your life but you're not sure if he loves you back or he is just using you as a replacement and distraction. Anyways...Lights! Camera! Read!

*Note: Er Ye's real name is Er Yue Hong

I placed my half finished embroidery on the table and sighed. Its been hours since Er Ye has left to sing his daily opera at the Pear Garden. Its just after mid-afternoon now, Er Ye should've finished his afternoon show by now.

I always admired Er Ye when I was young...It started when my father took me to see one of his shows, people come from all over china to see his shows. As soon as he opened his mouth, I was entranced. His voice is like an angel's, his acting was far more amazing than any opera show I have ever seen. From then on, I never missed one of his shows. My greatest wish back then was to marry him, but back then, he had a wife...her name was Ya Tou, she was beautiful, kind, and smart. A perfect wife anybody could ask for. From what I heard, Ya You was the daughter of a small noodle resturant owner. Er Ye and her were the best of friend when they were kids. As they grew older, they got seperated. One day, Er Ye was walking on the streets of ChangSha, when he saw young Ya Tou getting assulted by some human traffickers. He came to the rescue like a hero and saved Ya Tou. He had to rob a newly built grave to sell of the treasures he found to pay of Ya Tou's debt. From that day on, Ya Tou became his wife and lived a peaceful life until Ya Tou died of a incurable illness. A rumor said that Er Ye and Zhang Da Fo Ye (the First Master of the Mystic Nine) sold of nearly of their fortunes to get this magical medicine to save her, but the medicine unfortunately failed. Er Ye was so depressed from the loss of his wife, that he stopped his show apperances for neary a year. My father set me up with an arranged marriage with Er Ye, and I was so happy, My wish came true. The day of our marriage was the happiest day of my life...but what was supposed to happen on wedding night didn't happen. Infact, we don't even share a room together like regular couples would, he would always sleep in the Book Room. That was how it was everyday, Er Ye goes to work at Pear Garden, I deal with boredom, he comes home, we have a short silent dinner, and he goes to the book room. The only words he spoke to me during these months was " Good Morning," or "Good Night," No "I love you."s or "I missed you." I was starting to get sick of it.

I was thinking so hard that I didn't even notice the presence of a person enter the room. "(Y/N)?" I jolt back into reality and I look up to see Er Ye's concerned face. "Oh, Er Ye! you're back." I stood up from my seat and removed his heavy white short fur cape. "How was business today?" I asked. "The usual," He answered. I carefully hung his cape on one of the hangers and poured him a glass of water. Er Ye sat down and quietly slipped from the glass of water I poured. There was an usual akward moment of silence before I decided to speak up, "I'll go tell the kitchen staff to cook up some food for us," I turned to leave but Er Ye grabbed my wrist, I turned to him, confused. "I want to eat the noodles you made for me last time, can you make it for me again?" I nodded. The last time I cooked for him was during the week of our wedding, I knew that noodles were his favorite food, especially the ones made by his previous wife, so I decided to try and cook it for him, but he only ate one bite of it. Since then, I had never stepped a foot in the kitchen. So it was weird for him to request that.

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