Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"Well, let's not talk about it." I said.

"Okay, but you brought it up, just saying." He said raising his arms in a surrendering gesture.

"Hmm, so what do you want to do? We already ordered our food." I said before looking away.

"Hmm, plans for college?" Tyler questioned.

"Really?" I asked, lifting my glasses up.

"Yep," He replied popping the 'p'.

"Um, okay so college." He smirked at my answer, "Well Stanford isn't that far from here so I sent in my application."

"Really Stanford?" He questioned.

"Yeah, what's wrong with it?"

"Nothing, um. I-I just-Ask me a question." He replied.

"Okay, hmmm. What do you want to do when you grow up?" I asked.

"I'm not sure."

"Think of something, anything."

"Hm," He sat there looking at the finely decorated white table cloth,"Anything?"


"The President of the United States!" He said particularly loud.

"Haha, nice. But don't you have to be a certain age to run?"

"Well I can run around the block." He said smirking.

"Well I kinda meant run for president, so.."

"I know I was just joking around," He said with a chuckle.

"Oh," I commented.

"Here is your salmon with teriyaki sauce," The waitress said placing down a plate,"and yours." She said as she set down another plate.

Just to clear it up, we both got the same thing because I didn't know what to choose.

We ate our food while making small talk. We finished our meals and the waitress came back with the check, along with five dollar credit because of Claire's deposit.

I reached in my purse to find the ten dollar bill when he put some money on top of the receipt and handed it to the waitress.

"Oh, here let me pay you back. The lunch was expensive." I said handing him the dollar bill.

"No it's okay, my treat." He said pushing my hand away.

"Oh, thanks." I said as blush crept upon my cheeks.

"No problem, let's go." He said and took one last sip of his water.

I grabbed my purse and followed him out of the resturaunt.

"So, the mall's down the block. Did you want to go? Or I can drop you off at your house or..?"

"Well we could go to the mall, if you want." I shrugged.

"Your choice." He said.

"Well you could just drop me off at home I only have ten dollars."

"Don't worry I have money." He said casually.

"No, its okay, you already paid for my lunch and it was expensive."

"It's okay Emily, this is a date to me."

He put a hand on my shoulder and leaned in. I leaned in, wrapping my hands around his neck and we kissed. It wasn't a stage kiss, it was a real kiss.

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