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Jack looked at Dark "I don't understand how you're real." He looked up at him.  Dark kept walking toward's a van.

"I mean you're cool, an asshole, but cool." Jack followed Dark and looked back at there building. "How long are we gonna be? Because as cool as you are. I have better things to be do-"

"Like what? Recording video's?! You're dead! no one cares about you anymore!" Dark snapped at him and opened the van door, nearly breaking it. Jack flinched as he yelled.  "Why do quiet all a sudden Jack, aren't you the loud one?" Dark chuckled and shoved Jack into the passenger seat and closed the door.

Jack rolled his eyes. "Where are we going?" He asked leaning on his hand. Dark didn't reply, he started up the van and started to drive. "brrrrooooooommmm" Jack said making a car sound, to break the silence "Br-br-br-brooooomm"Jack carried on, Dark began to get annoyed,he pushed Jack's Forcefully, Making Jack faint. "There that should shut him up." Dark smirked and drove faster.

"Ow..." Signe mumbled, she woke up in bed, she rubbed her wrist, it had a bandage around it "Did Jack bandage me up?" She thought, she sat up "ah." she whispered laying back head, she put her hand on her head. 

"Signe?" A low voice said from outside the door. Signe looked confused "w-who is it!" She said trying to be calm. "It's Mark..." He said opening the door, she flinched and tried to get away "No. Go away!" 

"I'm not Dark. It's Mark, I promise I won't hurt you." Mark smiled and put his hand on her shoulder.

She breathed in and looked at Mark "He took Jack..." Signe said starting to cry. Mark reacted immedently and hugged her "Don't worry, it will be okay. We will get Jack back." he whispered. Signe cried into his shoulder 

"We will get him back, and kill Dark..."

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