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Gasp for air

Jack lifted his head from Mark's shoulder "Did you hear that?" he stood up and walked to the bedroom. 

Mark followed him "Yes..."

Jack opened the door, no one was in one "Fuck! Mark, Signe's gone." 

Mark looked in the bedroom "What?" Mark felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around "...Signe?"

Jack turned around and saw Signe standing in front of them. Jack smiled and hugged her "You was dead!" Jack lifted her into the air and spun her around.

She giggled and kissed him.

Mark smiled. She ran over and hugged Mark.

"Ow..." Mark said letting go of the hug. Signe had her teeth in Mark's neck. Jack realised what she was doing and pulled her away. He saw two pointed teeth and her eye's different colour.

"Signe..." Jack said quickly "No..."

Signes eye's turned normal and she fell into Jack's arms "What is happening?"

Mark looked at Jack confused, holding his neck. Jack looked at Mark.

Jack put her on the bed and closed the blinds. "How is she a Vampire?" Jack whispered as he walked out the bedroom. Mark sighed "I don't know but we need to help her, if she's a vampire she will have urges." Mark whispered back. Jack sighed "Do you think she will be okay?" Jack asked. Mark nodded his head. "You're an idiot. I know you're lying. I can tell." Jack looked at him. "Jack. She will be fine" He lied. Jack grabbed his hand.

"Please." He looked down

"I was dark when I bit her...She will have some of da-'

"In her..." Jack sighed.

"Yes...kinda well not Dark as in me, Dark as in her own Darkness...I don't know what to do. I only know how to control my own." Mark explained

 Jack sighed "Fuck..." 

"Jack?" A female voice said. Jack opened the bedroom door. "Signe?" He smiled and sat next to her

"Is Mark okay? I bit him..." Signe said weakly. Jack stroked her hair "Yes he is okay, baby" He kissed her forehead

"Im a monster aren't I? I heard you two...I can hear everything, I hear the people outside..." Signe sighed

Jack kissed her "We can control that part of you. We will help your urges" Jack smiled

Signe smiled. She took hold of his hand.

"Signe. I love you, We will get through this. Both of us, I will love you for as long we are alive" he chuckled "We will beat this, because now we have forever. And thats how long I will love you."

"Forever?' Signe asked smiling

"Forever, and ever" Jack kissed her hand...

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