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{{Jack's Prov}}

It has been 2 weeks since Signe came back. I have no idea how she got  past my power to make her forget. It confuses me. I still scared of what might happen if I accidentally hurt Signe again...

I need to keep her safe.

I don't sleep. Much, I just lay in bed listening to her heart beat. It calms me down, it makes me smile.

Jack laid in bed listening to the rhythmic sound of Signe's heart, he smiled to his self and got out of bed. He walked to the kitchen to see mark in there.

"Mark? What are you doing here, it's..." Jack looks at the clock on the wall "4 am"

"Well...I...Just..." Mark says barely getting any words out, he looked down. Jack placed his hand on Mark's shoulder.

"Mark?" Jack asked.

Mark looked up at Jack tear's in his eye's "Dark."

Jack's looked shocked "What about him." He asked coldly

"I don't think he's dead." Mark said tears rolling down his cheeks.

Jack looked at the bedroom door where Signe was sleeping. "Why do you say that? You killed him. Nearly killing yourself."

 "Yeah I know but. When he was alive, I felt every feeding he had and every kill, all the voices in his head. I can hear them...I don't know what to do." Mark explained.

Jack ran his hand through his hair "Mark. Listen, we can do this. You killed him once before, if he is alive, we can kill him once again." Jack tried to make Mark feel better. Which was working for a second until Mark said "He said he wants to come after Signe..." 

Jack grit his teeth "No. I won't...I can't.." Jack bit his lip "You said he Might be alive. thats like 50-50. Let hope that he is dead and at the bottom of the lake forever. " Jack said walking back into the bedroom "Sleep on the couch markimoo." He chuckled and opened the door to the bedroom. Signe was sat on the bed looking at Jack.

"Dark? He's back?" Signe asked. Jack sat next to her and took her hand

"No" Jack replied

"Jack. Please don't lie to me" Signe looked at him

Jack sighed "There's a possibility he is. But Signe, If he is back. He won't touch you, I'll make sure of it." Jack kissed her forehead "Get sleep. Don't worry"

Signe laid back down and closed her eye's. Jack kissed her cheek and walked to the living room to see Mark. He looked around the living room but Mark wasnt there. He thought he's probably in the bathroom, then he realise there was no one in the bathroom, he looked around the kitchen, and sighed "Mark are you here?" Jack whispered loudly. He heard a sob in the bedroom. He used vampire speed and opened the door.

Mark was by the side of the bed his face buried into Signes neck, Signe was crying quickly "J-jack help..." She whispered. 

Jack quickly pulled Mark off pinning him to the wall "What are you doing!" Jack looked into his eye's they were white, his eyes was pure white no more chocolate brown... Jack let go of mark and saw his eye's return to normal and he fell to the floor, Jack caught him and sat him on the chair. 

Jack looked over at Signe who was lead on the bed half way off it. "Signe." He rushed over and bit in to his wrist and tried to get her to drink, she wouldn't, her eye's was closed. "Signe?" He put his fingers on her wrist and then neck to check his pulse...nothing. 

Jack's breath quickened "Signe?!" He opened her mouth and bit his wrist again and held it to her mouth, the blood dripped into her mouth before it healed up. Jack sighed out hoping it will work. He went over to Mark "Ugh...Jack?" He asked and rubbed his eye's.

"mark? What happened?! Why was you doing." He asked pointed at Signe. Mark sat up...

"Jack...Dark.." He breathed out wiping the blood away from  his mouth.

"No..." Jack says. "He is you again? Crap...Mark we need to help her"

"I'm sorry ja-" 

"No. Don't say that, please help her-"

"Jack. Dark just drained her...she is de-"

"Fuck sake. Mark no she isn't! You haven't even tried. Help. Her." Jack looked at him.

Mark got up and walked to Signe and sighed "Signe..." he looked over at Jack "I can't...It will be painful for you." Mark looked upset

Jack tried to hold his tears back. He clenched his fist's and left the room.

Mark followed him out "Im sorry...This is all my fault" 

"No. It's mine, I let her into my life again... It's my fault." Jack said angrily and grabbing a bottle of alcohol.

"IT'S ALL MY FUCKIN' FAULT!" He yelled, tears streaming down his cheeks, he threw the bottle on the ground

" THIS IS ALL HIS FAULT! IF HE HADNT TURNED ME INTO A MONSTER, IF HE WOULD OF JUST FUCKIN'-" Jack broke down crying and fell to the floor

"Mark! I can't..." He sobbed. Mark kneeled down next to him " Jack..." he hugged him. Jack cried into his shoulder.

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