"Everything went blurry."

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"Jack?" Mark asked as he saw my eye slowly open.

"...wha?" I try to sit up but immediately feel light headed "Fuck..." I hold my head.

"You okay? You just fell asleep and hit the floor..." Mark helped me to the couch.

" My head fuckin' hurts." I sit down and rub my head, I breathe out slowly.

"Yeah...you hit the floor pretty hard" Mark sat down next to me on couch.

"Where's Signe?" I asked.

"She went to get some food, She was worried about you...You scared her...You scared me." Mark look at me.

I sighed and rubbed my head "I'm sorry...I-I don't know what happened...I thought I heard someone and-"

"Yeah you kept asking us if we can here who was talking..." Mark said

"...Oh shit...I'm going insane...That's why you couldn't hear it...Oh god-"

"Jack. You're not insane. It might just be something to do with you being supernatural or some shit." Mark placed his hand on his shoulder.

I nodded. I placed my hand on my head "Fuck...I'm going to rest, my head is killing me." I stood up and slowly walked into my bedroom.

"I'll tell you when Signe is back!" Mark said as I walked away.


"Jack...psst...Jack, Wake up!" A low, soft whispering

I opened my eyes...no one's here? I swear I heard something...

I sit up and run my hand through hair, I rub my eyes.

I'm not going insane...I'm fine.

I lie back down into my bed and close my eyes trying to get back to sleep.

"Jack. I said wake up." The soft whispering tickled down my spine.

I sat straight back up, I got out of the bed and hit my ear "Who's there!?" I called out "Mark? Signe" No it couldn't of been Signe's voice it was too masculine...and Mark's voice is way lower. "...Where are you?!" I looked around.

"Behind you." The whispering voice said from behind me. I turn around quickly "..." No one was there. I walked out into the living room "Mark? Signe?" I called. They wasn't in the living room, I quickly walked into the kitchen...No one. I checked the closets...Nothing. No one is here. Where are they?

"Jack. I think you have figured out by now that it isn't them talking to you." The voice chuckled.

"Who the fuck are you? Where are you?" I said with obvious anger in my voice.

"I'm in the living room."

I quickly walked to the living room, No one...maybe I am going crazy.

"I'm going crazy." I whisper to myself.

"Indeed." The voice laughed "Jack I'm behind you" I felt a sharp finger nail scratch down the back of my neck.

I turn around, my eye's glowing red "WHERE ARE YOU!" I yelled.

The voice chuckled "Getting mad?"

"WHERE'S MARK AND SIGNE!?" I clench my fist.

"Mark's fine, Signe's fine. They're both fine." The voice felt close to my ear.

I looked to my left. "WHO ARE YOU!?"

"Signe is fine. I mean really she's fine...like damn fine." The whisper muttered.

"STOP TAUNTING ME." I clenched my fist so tightly, my fingers clicked, my fangs bared, my eyes yellow-ish, red. I was mad. I was pissed.

"Heh...now that's what I like to see. The monster you really are...who we are." The whisper went back to a gentle, low, soft tone...but it wasn't a whisper...I felt the breath from the speech against my neck, the warmth of a body behind me. I turned around as quickly as I could.

"Goodnight Jack." A male said, he raised a baseball bat above his head and swung at my head.

I caught a glimpse of him before heavy impact hit my skull I fell to the ground.

Everything went blurry. 

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