Day 3

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Day 3


It's 11am and Lauren and Dani still haven't woken up yet. I don't even know what time they went to sleep last night since I was the first one to go to sleep. It must have been pretty late. Everyone seems to be acting so lazy today. In the next room, Christina, Katherine and Amy woke up half an hour later than I woke up. Anyways, why do I care? I'm going to Disneyland with a few of my friends today!

Brrrrrrrr, Brrrrrrrrr

One new text message from: Matthew Parks

MP: good morning Lisa! hope ur awake cuz im expecting to see u at Disneyland in 20 mins haha. see you then! :) -Matt

LC: good morning Matt! yup, im awake haha. i'll see u at Disneyland in 20. bye 4 now ! (:


After tweeting my fans that I was going to be at Disneyland, I got into the car and started the engine. I was just about to go when suddenly I was blinded by a cloth and pulled backwards.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" I managed to squeal. I was being kidnapped! Then I felt a sharp blade resting again my neck. I was going to die anytime soon now.

"You have been released. Now go enjoy Disneyland with your friends" I heard a familiar sounding voice say as the cloth was removed from my face.

"What the...?" I said as I turned around to see......right, Alex. I should have known.

"ALEX, YOU SCARED THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF ME! OH MY GOSH YOU!" I screamed, nearly punching him in the face. Then I looked down to see what was in his hands and saw a fake knife. Yeah Lisa, that totally could have killed you! I said in my mind. Sometimes I just get too paranoid.

"Ha ha, enjoy the Tower of Terror in Disneyland. Now, you must leave before the ghosts come to eat you alive!" Alex said evilly, laughing at the same time.

Finally he left the car and I drove off towards Disneyland. Disneyland, here I come!


After going on so many rides, it was time for lunch. As I walked around with my friends to find some food, two girls who looked around 12 years of age came up to me and asked if I was Lisa Cimorelli.

"Excuse me, but are you Lisa Cimorelli?" one of the girls asked.

"Hello! Yes, I'm Lisa Cimorelli," I replied.

"Oh, wow! Can I get your autograph and can I take a picture with you?"

"Yes, of course! Do you have a paper?" I asked.

"Yeah, could you sign here?" the other girl asked.

"Yup," I said as I signed an autograph.

"Thank you! Oh wait, the photo. And can you please follow me on Twitter? I am at Cimorelli underscore forever"

"Sure, no problem!" Well, these girls were so sweet! As soon as I took a picture with them they thanked me and left.

"Fans?" Matthew asked when I ran to catch up with my friends.

"Yeah" I answered.

"Hey guys, let's eat here. Lisa, I'm sure you'd love to eat some pizza, wouldn't you?" Lia Hutcherson said as she pointed towards a pizza restaurant.

"Of course! Let's go tackle some pizza!" I said, clicking my fingers up in the air.

"Ha ha, you're too funny" Emily said.

"Aw, stop it you!" I replied.


After an amazing lunch and a few more rides, it was time to go home.

"I had a great time today. Thanks guys!" I said to my friends as I waved them goodbye.

"I had an amazing time too! It was soo good to see you all again!" Lia said as she hugged us all.

"Bye guys!" Matt called, already going towards his car.

"Bye!" I shouted as he left.


"Hey guys, I met a fan today! I'm going to go follow her right now on Twitter" I said as I ran through my day with Lauren and Dani.

"Oh, cool. And did you buy any pictures from the Tower of Terror ride?" Dani asked.

"Yeah, I'll show you all the photos later" I replied.


"I've been stuck at home for like, 5 years!" Lauren complained.

"Good. Don't go outside. It's a scary world out there for hobos like you" Dani replied, poking her tongue out.

"Hey, I'm not a hobo. I've got a home!"

"Oh no, what you're living in at the moment is a prison. It's not to be mistaken for an actual house"

"Well it's a very luxurious prison then"

"Uhh, of course! Everything is luxurious for hobos like you"

"Well okay then, who are you? Some millionaire who owns 500 mansions?"

"Oh, not only mansions. I own you. Well actually, that's not such a big deal since you're basically just worthless but..."

"Oh my gosh, stop right there! Dani, that was so mean! Apologise RIGHT NOW!" I shout, interrupting Lauren and Dani's one of their many weird conversations.

"Sowwy mummy!" Dani says, then runs away like a little kid.

"Noo, come back Ms. Millionaire!" Lauren shouts running away as well.

I swear, Lauren and Dani will never grow up! I say in my mind, smiling on the outside.


Wow, it was nearly 12am and I was still awake listening to Big Time Rush and drooling over James Maslow. When we filmed the Mirrors by Justin Timberlake cover with him, I didn't even say a single word to him. I was too shy. I may seem like an extrovert on the outside but, on the inside, I'm an introvert.

Well, it was time to go to sleep now.

Brrrrrrrrrrr, Brrrrrrrrrrrr

One new text message from: Matthew Parks

MP: Hey Lisa, u still awake?

That was strange. Matthew usually never texted me. What was going on?

LC: yeah, I'm awake. why?

Straight away a new text message popped up.

MP: i was just u wanna go out for a coffee tomorrow? well today, since it's already 12:02am

Was he... asking me out on a date? Oh no! I don't want to go on a date with ANYONE! Well, not until I'm at least 20. Or maybe I should. I mean, I'm already 19 so I'm free to do whatever I want to do. But no, I don't want be in a relationship already.

LC: I'd love to but i'm pretty busy today. sorry!

There. It was sent. The rejection text. I felt so bad!

MP: tomorrow then maybe?

Oh my god! Why was he texting me still? Did he not get the message? Forget it. I'm not texting him back. It's time to go to sleep anyways.




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