Day 7

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Day 7


"What are we going to do about the world tour?" Lauren asked.

"I don't know, honey" I replied.

"Should we send a Tweet now?" Dani asked.

"Yeah, I'm going to do that." It was going to be really hard to say that the world tour was going to have to be cancelled. How do I say it? I logged onto the main computer and kept thinking about what I was going to Tweet.


"We are terribly sorry to announce that the #CimorelliWorldTour is going to have to be cancelled because yesterday, Christina was run over by a passing car, and she is now in hospital with several injuries. We are, once again, very sorry to announce this" I tweeted.

"We understand how disappointed you are but, shortly after Christina is back from hospital, we will plan out something again. This is NOT a joke, I repeat, this is NOT a joke" I tweeted again.

The tears started again. What would the fans be thinking? Would they be more upset that the world tour is going to be cancelled, or would they be worrying about Christina?

There were 53 new Tweets, so I clicked on that and saw all the replies.

"OMG, I hope Christina is okay. I'll be praying for her. #PrayForChristina"

"AWW, I was soo excited for the world tour. But I'm really sorry to hear about Chrissy. Hope she gets better soon"

"im crying, this is so sad! im rlly hoping christina gets well soon"

"dw Lise, i'll go kill that guy who ran over Christina. you know we care more about your big sis than the world tour. I don't mean this in a bad way!"

"aww sweetie, i hope you're alright! i'm praying for christina. she will get well soon"

It was so sweet to hear that more people were worried about Christina's health than the world tour. The CimFam was the best fandom in the world! They really cared for us.

"Thank you all SOOO much for understanding! Which fandom is the best and most caring and supportive? The CIMFAM of course! xoxo :')" I tweeted.

I scrolled through more Tweets and suddenly stopped at one. This one got me.

@LisaCimSUX: "thx for slamming the door in my face. ur such a nice person"

Matthew Parks. Why was he still tormenting me?


"Girls, as you all know, we're going to have to cancel your world tour. Now, don't say that as soon as Christina comes back home you're going to plan another world tour. That is not happening! You will just have to delay the world tour until next year" Mum explained. Next year?! Oh, my. But Mum was right. We can't just go plan another world tour when Christina comes back home!

"You're right mum. We'll plan another world tour next year" I said, sadly.

"Aww, come here girls!" Mum said, gesturing for us to give her a hug.


So, the world tour is cancelled.... but so what? We could always plan another one! Christina was still going to be in the hospital for another 2 weeks though. We're all going to visit her again. I guess that concludes this week. If you ever manage to pick up this diary, just know that you're beautiful and that I love you! <3

(A.N. Aww, no world tour until next year! If you liked this short fanfic, please let me know in the comments! I know it sucks cuz there was no world tour but I'm working on a new fanfic now. It's called "More Than Just A Summer Job", a Lauren Cimorelli fan fic. Thanks for reading! <3)

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