Day 4

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Day 4


I was still worried from last night. What if Matthew came to my house and told me right then and there that I had to go out with him? I only thought of him as a friend and nothing more.

"Lisa, you look a little pale. Are you alright?" Christina asked, looking concerned.

"I'm fine. I'm just not wearing any make up so that's why I probably look a little pale. I'm completely fine! Christina, I just wanna say that I'm so happy for you! As soon as we get back from the world tour we'll plan out your wedding. It's going to be the best wedding ever!" I say, quickly changing the subject.

"Aww, I'm so blessed to have such amazing and caring sisters! Thank you Lisa. With your help in planning out the wedding, it truly will be the best wedding in the world!" Christina says, her eyes filled with tears of happiness.

"Chrissy, don't cry!" I say.

"Oh, I'm not crying. In a few years you'll be thinking about your own marriage. Gosh, you will looking amazing in a wedding dress"

"You'll look even more amazing, Christina!"


Poor Katherine was all alone in the kitchen with no one helping her.

"You need a hand there, Kath?" I asked.

"Oh finally someone came to my rescue! Yes, I need a bit of help here. Thanks so much Lisa" Katherine turned around and I could see the sweat building up on her forehead.

"I can't believe no one came to help you!" I said, immediately starting on the pasta sauce after seeing pasta cooking in the saucepan.

"Ha ha, technology these days just takes everyone to a whole new world" Katherine laughs.

"True! You're lucky I saw you here, hun!" I say, getting another saucepan and melting half a cup of butter.

"Yeah, very lucky!"


After the pasta had been made due to a little help from me, I called everyone to come and eat their lunch.

"Guys, come for lunch! We've got pasta today!" I shouted after the pasta sauce had been made and poured all over the pasta. As usual, Lauren was the first one to come to kitchen since pasta was her favourite food.

"Oh yum, pasta!" Lauren said, already seated on the dining table.

"Lauren, you can at least set the table for the family" Katherine said sternly.

"Aww, but I'm so tired!" she complained.

"Tired doing what?" Katherine asked.

"Nothing. Okay, I'll set the table" Lauren said quickly.

"Good girl"

By the time the table was set, everyone had come down and taken a seat. Even Katherine took a seat after taking off her apron. Guess I was the one who was serving this time.


The pasta was truly the best thing I had ever tasted (after pizza!) that I couldn't resist taking seconds.


Brrrrr, Brrrrrr

New text message from: Matthew Parks

MP: hey Lisa, I'm so sorry for bothering you last nite!

I went straight to my contacts, went on Matthew Park's profile and then scrolled down to click Delete Contact. I wasn't going to tolerate any more of this.

Contact deleted.


"I am so excited for this world tour aaahh! Guess what? The dates have been CONFIRMED! We're uploading a video right now!" I tweeted.

"Hey guys, we should film our announcement now!" I called to no one in particular.

"Oh my gosh, we like, totally forgot! Hang on, I'll tell Christina" Amy said. Today she was hanging out in our room for some odd reason. Usually she was always in her own room. She'd even brought her own laptop and sat on Lauren's bed while she went typing away.

"Hey Amy, what are you doing here?" Lauren asked as she came into the room holding a strawberry milkshake.

"Mmmm, looks yum! Any left?" I asked.

"Yeah, there's still some left but I think Dani drank it all. Sorry, not sorry"

"I'll get Christina. We'll film our announcement right away!" Amy said as she shut down her laptop and told Christina.

After a while, Christina called everyone downstairs.

"Guys, I completely forgot about announcing the confirmed dates! And we're leaving for San Fran in 4 DAYS! Can't believe it! Alright, places everyone!" she said as she set up the video camera.

"4 days... wow" Dani said, dreamily.

"I know! I could be in like, a really long dream right now!" Lauren said.


"Guess what? We have officially announced the confirmed dates for our world tour! Never fear, cuz we're coming to your country! Yeah, that doesn't rhyme but....whatever hahas. So, check it out and note down when we're coming to YOU!" I tweeted.

Wow, only a minute had passed and already 1,700 people had retweeted my tweet. The CimFam is UNSTOPPABLE!


How did we get 50,000 views in our announcement video already? It was just uploaded an HOUR ago! Seems like we're getting new fans every day!


Only 4 more days until our world tour officially started. Our mum was so happy for us and she literally screamed her head off when Christina told her that Nick had proposed to her and that she was getting married late October. But would things turn out the way it's meant to be like Katherine said? Or would everything fall to the ground and we'd all drift apart from each other?


A Week In The Cimorelli Household with Lisa CimorelliWhere stories live. Discover now