Day 5

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Day 5


Just 3 more days and we're going on the world tour!!! Today we were going shopping to buy some new outfits for our performances around the world.

"Come on guys! Why are you all so lazy? Get up! I want you all ready in 10 minutes and then we're leaving no matter what!" Christina said.

"Hey, I'm not lazy! I'm so excited for Monday" Dani said, getting up quickly to take a shower. Everyone woke up pretty late today and for some reason we were all just so lazy!

"Wow guys! Fifteen million views on our Made In America music video!" Katherine exclaimed.

"What, wait, are you serious?" I asked in shock.

"Yes! Can you believe it?"

"No, I need to go for an eye check-up right now!" I said after seeing the huge number on the screen. In only one week there were 15 million views and so many positive comments!


After browsing through Wet Seal and Aeropostale, we were at Forever 21.

"Hey Dani, here's a top you'd like" I said, taking out a polka dotted chiffon shirt.

"Ooh, how pretty! Thanks Lise, I'll try it on right now!"

"Oh my gosh, Lisa! I've been looking for this top for ages!" Lauren called out, holding a plaid cutout shoulder shirt. "Would it look good on me?"

"It would look adorable Laur! Go try it on" I said.

All the girls always came to me for fashion advice. It was time to look for clothes for myself now. I chose a nice grey coat and went into the changing rooms. Just because it was summer here, it didn't mean it was summer everywhere around the world. At the moment, in Australia, it was winter.


We were back at home after buying our clothes.

"Aargh, I'm so tired" said Dani, hopping onto her bed as soon as she got to her bedroom.


It had been a pretty boring day even though we went shopping. I was just too eager to start the world tour now. I wonder what our fans were thinking...

~(A.N.- Heyy, I had NO idea what to write and I'm so sorry Day 5 is so short! I'll make sure Day 6 is longer. Thanks for reading, by the way! <3)~

A Week In The Cimorelli Household with Lisa CimorelliWhere stories live. Discover now