Prologue: Stranger in Barcelona

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Author's note: Hey guys, welcome to Lost in Barcelona! This story is based on Manu Rios and my own thoughts, so i hope you like the prologue, enjoy!~


Hey, actually I made a mistake, it supposed to be in Calzada de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, Spain, but it's okay, so let's get started!

Day 1

"So... this is Barcelona.. it looks amazing.."

I was having a vacation with my friends, Amanda, Melissa, and Audrey.

"Ok, so let's have a quick tour, then, we're going to check in at the hotel at 10 am." Melissa said.

"Where should we start?" I asked.

"Hm.. Chloe, let me see your journal." Melissa said.

"Ok." I took my journal out from my bag. "Probably we should go to the nearest interesting place, but guys, I'm hungry. I think I will buy that food first." I walked to the food truck near us, and then bought the food.

After I was done, I turned around to see my friends, but...

"Guys, I'm done- wait.. Amanda? Melissa? Audrey? Where are they?!" I sat on a bench and tried to call them one by one, but they didn't respond.

I panicked. "What should I do now..." I cried a bit. Even though I didn't want to embarrass myself in public, but I couldn't do anything. if I'm panicking, I sometimes tend to have a blank mind.

But then, there was a guy approaching me.

"Hey, ¿que pasa?" he asked.

"... I - I'm sorry, I can't speak Spanish.." I said.

"Are you alright? Is something happened to you?" he asked.

"I'm lost. I can't find my friends. I can't handle being alone in this city, because I can't even speak Spanish.." I almost cried.

"Where do you stay?" he asked.

"The thing is.. my friends and I decided to have a quick tour, and then we're going to search the hotel at 10." I explained.

"And now you're completely in trouble." He said.

"I know...." I frowned.

"Btw, what's your name? I'm Manuel, but you can call me Manu."

"Huh... that name sounds familiar. I'm Chloe."

"Maybe I can help you find your friends?" he said.

"Really?" I was kind of surprised.

"Sure, why not?"

"Aw, thank you so much! But I don't know where to stay.."

"You can stay with me and my family for a while..." he said.

"uh.. no.. I don't want to bother your family..."

"It's ok, come on.."

"Well, ok then." I accepted his offer, even though it would be so awkward and scary to stay at someone's house whom you just met a few minutes ago, like what if he's a serial killer? What if he'll kill me or something? But it seemed that he's a pretty good guy, he also looked kind of cute, though. And then we walked to his house.

"So... what are you doing here in Barcelona?" he asked, while we're walking.

"My friends and I just wanna have a vacation for this summer holiday.." I said.

"For how many days?" he asked.

"For 15 days.."


"Actually I have another goal to do in Barcelona, but I forgot what it is. It's been like... 5 years since I made that goal.."

"Well, maybe you'll remember it soon, since you're actually here..." he said.

"I hope so."


So that's the prologue for this series! I hope that you enjoy it!

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