i love you. - Chapter 13 - (Day 13)

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Hey guys welcome back to this story, sorry for the lack, I haven't update for so long, but I finally finished it!^^ And btw, this chapter is so long. So hope you guys will enjoy it!


Day 13

I hated myself. I couldn't control my emotion. I wasn't angry, it's just, I don't know how to react, I don't know what to feel. Never knew loving could hurt this good.

It was raining hard, and I just stared at the window, thinking about how desperate my life was. Amanda, Melissa, and Audrey were shopping without me, because I was not in the mood to go somewhere, so I just stayed in the hotel.

"I guess I don't have any chance now." I said desperately.

But then I heard a voice from outside the hotel, so I looked at the window curiously.


And then I was shocked, Manu was the one who screams out loud. He was soaked. So I open the window.

"Manu, what are you doing in the rain, and without an umbrella?!" I said.

"Just go downstairs, please," he begged.

"Ok, wait."

So I tried to search an umbrella, but I couldn't find it. So I just ran downstairs and then went outside the hotel. But I didn't go to him, cause I didn't want to get wet.

"So... what do you want to talk about?" I said.

"Chloe, I'm so sorry. I just realized."

"Realized what?" i asked.

"Chloe, you don't need to pretend. I know that kind of expression back there in the café. You're jealous."

"So what's the point of you going here? You just want to say that?" I said.

"I'm sorry I've hurt your feelings. I'm sorry if I wasn't that sensitive when we're in the café because I thought that you didn't like me. So I thought it was fine to just talk with Eliza and Stephanie. But then I started to think why you were leaving so fast. And I was so stupid and I'm sorry." He said.

I felt guilty. So I walked to him.

"What are you doing? You're going to be soaked!! I don't want you to be sick!" He said.

"I'm sorry too." I said.

"I want you to know that when I talked to Eliza and Stephanie, I just talked about our old friends and... yeah..." he said.

"You didn't talked about me...?" I asked.


           That day, Eliza said to me,

"Manu, this girl is so cute! Do you have thoughts about being together with her?"

And then I said,

"I ever tried to ask her, but she didn't want it. She said it was too soon to be in a relationship because we just met for a few days."

And then Stephanie said,

"That sucks!"

And obviously this conversation is in Spanish. And that's it." he said.

"Oh..." I said.


"...... At first, I thought it was ok if you didn't love me back. But it wasn't. And I was hoping that you still have the feelings that you had after the incident in the fountain. I hide my feelings that I have for you now and lied so I wouldn't get hurt." I said.

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