You Can't Always Get What You Want - Chapter 8 - (Day 8)

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Hey guys welcome back!


Day 8

In the morning

Manu's POV

I was awake at about 7 am. And i found Chloe sleeping next to me. And i didn't really remember what happened on the night before.

"Oh you're awake. Uh..." She groaned.

Chloe?! Why you sound so tired?!

"I slept at 2 am last night..."


"You slept over my body.. Uh..." she explained.

"Oh my God, i'm so sorry..."

"I want to sleep again, bye." she said.

3 hours later

Chloe's POV

I was awake with a blanket above me.

"Who puts a blanket on me?" i asked myself.

"Me." Manu said. i didn't know that there was Manu.

" Oh.. thanks.. OH YA last night I heard you say something when you're sleeping" i giggled.

 "What is it?" he asked.

"You said 'Chloe.. I love you.' Is that true?"

"WHAT?!" he looked surprised.

"It makes me confused.." i said.

"I thought you knew." he stated.

"Yeah I know you're joking." i chuckled.

"I thought you knew that actually it's the truth." he stated again.

"Wait.. It's true..? You.. love me?" i was surprised.

"And I thought you knew that I was just messing around..." and then he bursted out laughing.

 "...... Seriously. I hate you." i said, grumpily.

"Do you really... hate me..?" he asked.

"Stop it!!" he was so annoying.

"Hehe I love your reaction... it's just so cute..." he said, giggling.

 "I am cute." I stated.

 "Yeah, whatever you're cute."

I giggled.

Manu's POV

"I need to hide my feelings for her because I know that she doesn't like me and I don't want to get my hopes too high." i said that in my mind.

A/N: (So, the point is, that Chloe is not that sensitive to know that actually he LOVES HER SO MUCH.

Nothing really happened that day.

So meet you guys in the next day.

Sorry that this chapter is so short.)

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