Curiosity - Chapter 7 - (Day 7)

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Hey guys welcome back to Lost In Barcelona~


Day 7

"Hey Chloe." Manu greeted.


"Let's have breakfast."

In the dining room

"Mom, where's Josemy?" Manu asked.

"He went to work out of town early this morning." Manu's mom explained.

"Seriously?!" Manu looked surprised.


We didn't go anywhere that day, and then at night...

"I'm so bored today." Manu whined.


"I think I want to watch Glee." He said.

"HOLD ON. YOU LIKE GLEE?!" I was surprised.


"SAME. Who's your favorite character?" I was so hype.

Me when I found somebody who has the same interest as I have.

"Rachel." He stated.

"SAME I LOVE RACHEL AAHHH WE NEED TO BE TOGETHER.." I said, without thinking. Nice.

"Wait, what?" he looked surprised.

"What?" I asked.

"You want us to be together?" he asked.

"Umm...." fuck fuck


"But I'm not serious, probably someday."

"Fuck you." He said.

"Are you kidding me? You thought that I'm serious?" I asked.

"Yes." He gave me that "fuck you" look.

"Ok I'm sorry... what can I do for you so you're not going to be mad at me?" I felt a bit guilty to be honest.

"Hmm.. you already know..." he said.

"What? A kiss?" I asked.

He nodded.

I sighed. "Ok.. here's a kiss for my lovely Manu.." I cringed. And then I kissed him.

"Thanks baby." he said.

"What did you say?!" I was surprised. Why did he call me 'baby'?

"I want to go to sleep. Bye baby." He said.


"Shut up or I'll do something bad to you." He said.

"Bad?! Wtf are you serious?!"

"You really want me to do it, huh?" And then he pushed me onto the bed.

"Manu what are you doing?!?!" I laid down on his bed because he pushed me ffs.

And then he jumped onto my body. SO WEIRD.

"Manu this is weird........ umm... Manu...?"

He didn't say anything.

"Manu, are you asleep? Ok are you kidding me?! Seriously Manu, not in this position?!"

He didn't say anything.

"How am I going to get up!!! I'm stuck!!"

20 minutes later

"Fuck you Manu."

"Ch..loe...." he said, softly.

"Yes? Are you even awake?" I asked.

"" he said, softly.

"Wait, what?" I was a bit surprised.

And then I guessed he went back to sleep.

"what was that?! He was talking when he slept.. And said that he loves me..Is that true..? I'm curious.." I said that in my mind.


Hope you guys enjoy it! :D I know it's pretty short, I'm sorry... but it will be longer maybe in a few next parts (?)


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