He's my everything - (Chapter 14) - (Day 14)

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Hey! welcome back! i'm sorry for the lacks, my schedule for uploading is SO messy, too many exams going, but hopefully you'll enjoy it.


Day 14

"Morning, Chloe. Feeling better?"

"Yeah.. so much better. I even dreamed about us,"

"Really? About what?" he said curiously.

"Umm... it's so weird..."

"Just tell me!!!" he forced me.

"Okay then... well... you... proposed me...?" i said awkwardly.


"Yeah... you even bought a ring... so weird..." i said.

"It's not weird... it's lovely."

"Haha... haha ok" It's an awkward conversation, I couldn't even speak

"Oh ya, I need to tell my friends that I'm at your house!"

So I called them, and they actually already knew that I was at his house. Nice.

"Hey can I ask you something?" he asked.


"So... where is our relationship going?"

"Umm..." I was shocked.

"Uh.. I'll give you time to answer! No need to hurry!"

"I guess... we're going to start right here, right now?" It's time to accept him, am I right?

"Wait, do you really want it? Because..."

I cut him. "I really want this to be real."

"Well... ok,"

And then I smiled so hard, because at that time, I finally felt so happy. He is my boyfriend and I'm proud to say that, loudly if I can.

"Oh hey, Manu, tomorrow I'll be going home."

"Oh yeah, that sucks. I just became your boyfriend and tomorrow you're going to leave me :'( "

"I can stay for the night here. And then in the morning, I'll go to my hotel and pack my things,"

"Well, how about... we're going to spend our day together today?"


"What about amusement park?


I just wear a casual clothes~

I just wear a casual clothes~

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Source : https://instagram.com/itsmarziapie

i love her so that's why i love to pick Chloe's clothes from Marzia! hehe

So when we arrived, we decided to ride the rollercoaster. It was fun, and... terrifying.

"Manu, take a picture with me!"



"Done" I said.

"One more please!!" He said, begging me.


So when we're posing for the picture, I just smiled, and he...kissed my cheek.


And after that, there's a cute cow doll.

"Awww I want that doll!!!"

"You want it?" he asked.


"Ok, I'll buy it for you."




So because of that, I kind of thought that I was Manu's child, not his girlfriend, because I'm so childish.

"Here you go." He said.

"Thank youuuuuuu!!!!"

"I want you to keep this doll. And make sure that this doll will remind you of me."


And then he held my hand and kissed my hand.

I saw the watch, and I was shocked, because it was 7 pm.

"Hey let's ride the ferris wheel!" He said.


When we got there, I was amazed, the view was beautiful from up there.

He even embraced me.

"Chloe, look at me"


I turned around, looked at his face, and suddenly he kissed me. He's the cutest thing ever. I can totally say that every time.

After that, we went back to his house, and when we arrived

"I think I want to sleep earlier. Tomorrow is a big day." I said.


But then, I couldn't stand it, my tears were falling.

"Chloe?! What's wrong?!"

"I'm not ready... to leave you.." I sobbed, and then I hugged him.

"It's going to be ok..." he said.

"And we're too far away...you're in Spain, And I'm in England.."

"Wait, what city do you live in?" he asked.


"Oh... I really want to go there..."

"Yeah, when you go there, make sure to visit me. I have my address on my twitter bio."

"Haha ok.."

"good night." I said.

"night cutie."


Thanks for reading this 14th chapter! Sorry because it's not that long..

p.s : the next chapter will be the last chapter :( because Chloe will leave Spain D:

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