Chapter 3

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It was summer so I get to go out, mostly because it was too hot and staying in the house won't help me any. I'm in my undies, trying to find something to wear; anything at all that don't stick to my body, anything at all that the wind, as little there was, could pass through, but I couldn't find any. I was not ready to shop for new clothes. I did not have that kind of money anyway.

I settled on short shorts, a see-through tank top (which I wore with a bra and sports bra), and then put on ankle boots.

I looked in the mirror, even after taking a shower, it's like I've been put in a sauna. I dry my face, put on chap-stick, and then fluffed my somewhat curly hair.

"I'm out," I yelled to no one in particular. I strapped on my shoulder bag, pocketed my phone, got the keys to the house then head out after locking the door.

Few minutes later, I was at the beach. There, I found a group of my friends and in between them was Evie. I head the other way from them but Evie had already seen me and tried to catch up with me.

"Sup with you?" She asked frowning, "Our friends are that way." She pointed to the opposite side, where I dodged to go.

"Hush, I'm here to chill, not for a feast." I picked a spot by a rock further the water, lay a towel that might get thrashed later on the sand then sat on it.

Evie looked over to our friend not knowing which side to choose. I glared at her.

"What'd I do?"

"Bring them here and I'll choke you to death."

She faked gasp, "you wouldn't."

"Would too," I said laughing and just like that, she sat next to me and started telling stories about her day and the new girl in town.

"Her name is Bella," she was saying, suddenly looking over in the water.

"Bella as in Edward slash Jacob Bella." I exclaimed and  followed her gaze, my eyes settling on a pretty girl collecting sea shells, her hair blowing along with the wind; she looked toward us and smile. I don't know why I blushed or looked away. I don't even know the girl.

Although, she is beautiful, light skin, dark hair with brown eyes. Didn't even realize that I was staring until my best friend swatted my hand.

"Don't be a smart ass," she said, pausing for a moment, then added, "that's her." She whispered it.

"Ouch," I rubbed the place where she swatted me. "Her, who?" I asked, not understanding for just a tad moment.

"Bella, keep up, will you?" She fixed her hair like she was the one who's interested in girls. I tell her that.

"What you fixing yourself for? Bitch, you're straight." I turned her head around to face me.

She pouted as if she was offended and I smile. "What's the deal anyway?" I busy myself, putting my shoulder bag down and taking out my phone.

"She just moved here, all of a sudden. Her name is Bella and she's 18 going 19 sometime soon." She looked straight at me for the first time since we've been talking. "What are you doing?"

I pulled my hair up in a pony, "it is hot and I did come here to relax, probably for a swim but maybe later. Why?"

She waved her hand about. I was confused for a moment, but then shook my head clear. I decided to just let her be her - weird in a fancy way.

"So how do you know all this?" I asked when she stopped talking.

"Rumors." Was all she said, and then I am left alone, just like that. I watched her go back to our group of friends, then lay back on my towel, gazing up the sun. I just need peace of mind. I don't want to think about anything except for how good being in the sun feels. How good it feels to be this empty for the first time in a really long time.

A Little Too Not Over You (Lesbian Story) - BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now