Chapter 9

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I'm lying in bed all hurt and confused, what Bella did still get to me; my wrists still hurt and I have no idea what it all meant then but she did and that's what made it weirder for me because I can't remember. She asked me to remember, remember what exactly?

I haven't talk to anyone since then, not Evie, Lori or my other friends. I mostly just stayed home, doing this or that but mostly keeping busy. I left my phone off and my laptop too, I basically just shut the whole world out except for music, it's Saturday and I'm not sure what to do to entertain myself.

"Sissy," I heard a voice outside my room.

"Mm," I said not really caring.

"It's been a week, come out already." I heard once again.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Your brother."

"And why may I ask, brother of mine, are you talking like this?"

"Like what?"

"Like a girl," I said, propping myself up.

"Ah," he sighed then try again. "Come on, sis. We've missed you."

"We?" I walked to the door now.

"Yeah, we; just get out already." He sighed again then I heard him walk away. Through the crack of the door, I heard him tell mom that I already forgot who he was.

"We" turned out to be him, Lori and Evie. God forbade, I almost walked back upstairs and locked myself in once again but no, because mom was there too being all awkward and shit, sadly it made me want to scream while pulling my eyeballs out. Although, let's save that for a horror story or something.

I walked over to my best friend, "what you doing here?"

"Talking to me?" Lori asked, raising her eyebrows all offensive.

"I sure hope not," I replied then looked back at Evie. "What's the deal?"

Mom cleared her throat and I looked over to her, "Um well." She started saying, "Lori will be staying here for couple days."

"Come again," I choked, wide eyed now.

"I'm staying here for a few days." Lori repeated like I'm deaf or stupid or maybe both.

I raised my hand to silence her, "shut up already." I stepped forward, "please tell me you're joking, tell me this is a prank, mom." I watched her.

"Nope." Brother said, looking at me. I looked back at him.

"You're all okay with this? Evie," I turned to her. "After all that's happened, you do understand, don't you?" I asked, hoping that she too would disagree.

"I'm sorry, babe but it's just a few days." Mom now.

"A few days for what?" I glared at Lori while talking to my mom. "A few days to break a heart, a few days to run havoc, a few days for the same thing to happen again." I emphasized. "What about dad? He doesn't know so how the hell will you explain that to him?" 

"Hey! Language," mom groaned. "I'll deal with him."

"You can sleep over to my house," Evie offered. Way for her to break the ice, gosh I felt conflicted.

"Way to "miss me," you jerk." I air quoted then flipped my hair back all compose now. "I'd love to." I said to Evie, left the room and went to my bedroom, slamming the door shut and real loud too. That'll teach them not to mess with me.

I just don't understand how this came about, how mom casually decided to let Lori live with us after being against us being together before. Mom hated it.  No, mom was disgusted and thought it was taboo. That same sex couples were an abomination. She gave Lori and I hell, belittling us and others like us. And now, now what? I thought of while packing my bags. I was angry, angry at mom for what she was doing and how hypocritical she was being.

She could've talked to me about it before agreeing to whatever devious plan Lori concocted. I knew in my heart that Lori put mom up to this. Did she threatened mom? I couldn't help but wonder. I tossed and turned angrily. Ugh, seemed like I'm losing control just when I thought I had it. 

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