Two: In Which Frank Meets Gerard and Sorts Stuff

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The next day, Frank got to the office at seven forty five, a good fifteen minutes before he was supposed to show up. He hadn't meant to get there so early, but he always prided himself on being punctual and, to be honest, he was nervous with excitement. He's never had such a... strange job before, and he'd barely begun working. Frank had expected to find the place locked up, but the 'open' sign was up and the door was open. Frank stepped in and called out a small 'hello?'

He heard no response so he walked further into the room. Ray wasn't at the desk he'd been at yesterday, so Frank walked to the back room. He pushed open the door to the back room and saw a figure slumped over the desk with their head on an open book. They had slightly greasy black hair that hadn't seen a pair of scissors in ages.

"Hello?" Frank asked again, making his way towards the figure between the piles of books. Frank tapped the sleeping person on the shoulder and they sat up with a shout.

"What the fuck--" the man said, bringing his arms up to shield his face. Slowly he lowered them to look at Frank. "Who the fuck are you?" His words were slurred with sleep.

"I'm..." Frank trailed off, staring at the other man. He was really pretty, Frank decided, and really hot. "I'm Frank. The new employee?"

"What time is it?"

"Seven fifty," Frank said, checking on his phone.

"Shit. Mikey's gonna have a fit," the man said, standing up and attempting to tame his hair. He picked his way around the desk, where a new stack of books had piled up since last Frank was there. "Ah, where're my manners. I'm Gerard Way," he said, sticking out his hand.

Frank took it. "Nice to meet you."

Gerard nodded before pushing past Frank. Frank followed the dark haired man out of the room and into the front of the office. Gerard opened a door that led to a set of stairs. Gerard started up them before turning to Frank.

"C'mon," he said, beckoning.

Frank trailed behind the other man as he walked up the stairs, totally not staring at Gerard's ass. Gerard pushed open the door and Frank followed him into the apartment. It was small, and not very well lit. There was a couch and a small table, and a kitchen.

"MIKEY!" Gerard yelled at the top of his lungs as he walked into the kitchen and began preparing coffee. "Do you want some?" Gerard asked, taking down a few mugs from a cupboard. Frank nodded. "Good. Can you pop some bread into that toaster for me?" Gerard said as he poured out three cups of coffee.

Frank took two slices and put them into the toaster on the kitchen counter, awkwardly standing around as Mikey came into the kitchen.

"Hi Gerard, hi Frank," he said as he took a mug of coffee. Gerard passed Frank one and he took it, sipping the piping hot liquid. "So, Frank, do you like the apartment? Care to move in?"

"Why do you always want people living with us, Mikey?" Gerard whined.

"Because it's nice not having an empty building!"

Gerard rolled his eyes and retrieved his toast from the toaster. He lathered some butter on it and practically inhaled the two slices before the three of them returned to the ground floor.

Ray was sitting at his desk, a laptop open on it and a checkbook in hand.

"Gee, we need at least one more paying case to pay the bills," he said as Gerard made his way to the back room.

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