Three: In Which Brendon Thinks he has a Ghost

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Gerard was crouched over the toilet, throat raw with bile and his eyes pricking with tears from the stench. It had been at least two weeks since this last happened, he'd been doing well. Mikey sat on the side of the bathtub, watching his brother puke his guts out with a sympathetic stare.

"I promise you, Mikey, I got a case," Gerard pleaded.

Mikey rubbed Gerard's back, saying, "I believe you. It's okay."

"I'm sorry," Gerard wiped off his mouth and sat back from the toilet. "I'm so sorry. I was trying, you know that? I really was."

"I know you were. C'mon, take a shower and go to bed. I'll run to the store and get some advil," Mikey said, helping his older brother up.

"Thanks, Mikes," Gerard said as Mikey left the bathroom.

"Any time, Gee."

Gerard turned on the shower and shed his clothes as he waited for the water to warm up. His head was pounding with both alcohol and thoughts. He had been trying, he wasn't lying when he told Mikey that. He just needed to clear his head and get fucked; he hadn't meant to find a case, he just got talking with this guy and found out that the dude thought he was haunted. Gerard was drunk enough at that point, but he stayed a while with the guy. He never did get laid, but he got a case, which was almost as good.

Gerard stepped under the stream of water and let the hot water clear his head. He barely cleaned himself, just stood and let his muscles relax.

After about twenty minutes, Gerard got out of the shower and dried himself off. He walked to his bedroom, and after pulling on some clothes, collapsed into bed and fell asleep instantly.


Frank had overslept. He woke up at eight, cursing, and practically ran to the office. He got there, out of breath, and muttering apologies to an empty room. Confused as to where everyone was, Frank called out, "hey!"

"Frank!" Mikey called from the back room. Frank hurried into the cluttered room to find Mikey, Gerard, and Ray sitting around. "We were gonna leave without you."

"Leave? Where are we going?"

"New York," Gerard groaned. "Long island or something."

"This is why you should move in!" Mikey exclaimed. "Please?"

Frank nodded. "I mean, my landlord's gonna evict me just 'cause she doesn't like me."

Mikey pumped the air. Ray stood up and stretched.

"Since we're all here, let's go," he said and the four of them left the office.

Apparently Ray was the only one who owned a car, so he got to drive. Mikey called shotgun as soon as they locked up the office, so Frank and Gerard were coerced into sitting in the back seat, where Gerard complained about his legs being cramped and for once Frank was glad he was so short. Frank was exhausted, soon lulled into sleep by the rumble of the car and the radio playing quietly.

What Frank didn't realize was that as he was sleeping, he flopped to the side and ended up with his head in Gerard's lap. Gerard also didn't realize this, because he had taken several painkillers and was trying to sleep off his headache. Only Mikey saw what was happening in the back seat, and he chuckled to himself at the sight of the two dark haired men sleeping on each other.

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