Part Five: In Which the Gang Visits Brendon's Again

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Gerard meandered into his kitchen in search of coffee, rubbing sleep out of his eyes and humming tunelessly to himself. He looked out over the counter into the living room, where his eyes fell onto a blanket covered lump on his sofa. It took Gerard a moment to remember that Frank was on his couch. From where he was standing, Gerard could see Frank's dark hair poking out from under the blankets and could hear the man softly snoring. After staring for a few seconds, he blushed, feeling like a creep. Gerard went back to his task: making coffee.

            Unfortunately, that task was quite loud. Gerard's coffee grinder was an ancient thing, and every time he used it the noise got worse. He flinched as he turned it on.

            "Ah!" Gerard heard someone shout.

            "Sorry Frank!" He shouted back through the cacophony.

            When the coffee grinder was done, Gerard turned to glace at Frank, who was sitting on the couch with the blanket wrapped around him and his hair sticking up in all directions. He let out a snort at the disheveled man.

            "Sorry for waking you... you'll get coffee," he promised.

            "Thank god," Frank said, getting up. Not unwrapping himself from the blanket he shuffled into the kitchen. He leaned against the counter in wait for his promised coffee, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with a blanketed hand. "So what are we doing today?"

            "Well, since I couldn't find a cause of death for our ghost, I think it's best we ask her ourselves."

            "We're gonna have a séance?" Frank asked, wide eyed. "With a Ouija board and everything?"

            "Well, maybe no a ouija board. Mikey's good at actually hearing ghosts," Gerard said, pouring out two cups of coffee and handing one to Frank. "Speaking of which, I should go wake him up. We should leave soon."


            Frank and Gerard both got stuck in the back seat again, but neither fell asleep this time. All four men stayed wide awake as they made their way to Brendon's house, the conversation rambling from one topic to another with no rhyme or reason. Eventually, they reached the house and gratefully got out of the car. Brendon welcomed them yet again, but this time he looked scared.

            "It started moving around furniture!" He said. "I had to sleep at my friend's house and trust me I hate staying at his house."

            Gerard nodded, writing something down in his ever-present notebook. "Mikey? Wanna do your shit?"

            "Sure," Mikey said, aimlessly pacing the room. "Let me get a sense for her."

            "Do you want us to get the chest out of the basement?" Ray asked.

            "Good idea. Wear gloves or something if you don't want a shock like Frank got."

            Ray nodded and Brendon led him down into the basement. They returned a few seconds later with the chest wrapped in an old bed sheet. Ray laid the chest and the sheet out in the middle of the living room and Mikey sat down cross-legged in front of it. Everyone else stood at the edges of the sheet, watching carefully as Mikey laid a hand on the chest. Frank inhaled sharply as the room went cold.

            "Clara?" Mikey asked the room. "Are you here?" Frank watched as Mikey stiffened. "It's alright, Clara, we're here to help."


            Frank heard it the word, and shivers ran down his back. Mikey had obviously heard it too.

            "You have to trust me, Clara. We want justice for you. Do you know who killed you?"

            I know why I am dead. I know why you will be dead, too, sinner!

            Gerard stepped back from his place at the edge of the sheet. His face was pale and he looked like he was going to be sick. As he backed up, Frank saw the bookshelf behind him begin to tip, and he lunged to push Gerard out of the way. Frank heard a crash and his left arm erupted into pain, and with that, everything went black.


Sorry for the long wait and such a short chapter. I've been literally drowning in school work for the past week. Thank you for reading!

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