Chapter 1.

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I was sitting down filling out some paperwork from a recent surgery Oliver and I did. I hear someone stand next to me.

I lift my head to see Oliver looking at me. He was lovesick. It was obvious.

" Hey bud. What's up" I say

No reply


I see a couple people looking at me. Oh well

" What?" Olivier says

" You were zoned out " I say continuing to fill out the paperwork.

" I asked skylar out." He said

I was sort of taken back by this statement. I may have made a bet with Philip that he wouldn't ask her out. Damn there goes $20.

" Did she say yes? " I asked in a very annoyed tone.

" Actually yes she did. You could be a little more happy for me" He said a little irritated.

" Sorry but I'm happy for you. I really am"

I realized that I would be third wheeling this relationship now. Wow I need more friends.

I wrap up eveything and get ready to leave. Then I remembered that I gotta pay Philip because he was right.

" Aye Philip you were right he did ask her out. Here's the $20"

" You can keep it. How are you coping with this new news?" He asks me

Um wtf.

" what news"
" how do you like that they're dating now. " He asks. I'm more confused than normal.

" Just because you go on a date doesn't mean you're dating. Your just going on a date and I'm fine with it. Why wouldn't I be?" I say

He just walked away.

Ummmmm that was weird.

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