Chapter 7

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《Day of Ball》

EMMA'S POV (switching it up a bit :)

I left school and got into my mom's car. We drove home in silence and then arrived to the very crowded apartment. I had 3 older brothers and both my parents.

I got to my room that I shared with the youngest of the three brothers. I got dressed and curled my hair. I pinned some stray pieces back and then applied a little makeup. The dress was old. It wasn't any of the fancy ones they have now just a plain simple purple dress. The back was crisscross. I checked the time and told my mom it was time to go. Then we were off after about a billion photos taken of me.

I was nervous because... well I'm not sure, I just was.  I got out and looked around for kaz. I was kind of shocked when he asked me because I only like him as a friend. I saw him and started walking over trying not to stumble in the black wedges I was wearing. I saw Skylar and Oliver next to him.

" Hey, you look amazing. " He said as I joined them. " Shall we?"

" We shall " I replied laughing at this. He was laughing too.

Skylar and Oliver were right behind us.

《Skylar POV》

I arrived with Oliver and we waited for Kaz and          Emma. I was shocked when he asked her because I thought he only liked her as a friend. My feet were hurting and the dance hasn't even started yet but Oliver's mom made us take at least a thousand photos. We stood and waited. I saw Kaz and waved him over. He looked good.

We talked a bit and then Emma showed up. I liked how simple her outfit was.

" You look amazing, Shall we? " He asked her.

" We shall." She replied.

They were pretty cute together. Oliver grabbed my hand and we started walking. It didn't feel right. Going with Oliver and stuff. He was my best friend and it just felt so weird.

" Hey, are you okay? You look lost" Oliver asks

" Yeah, everything great. "  I said as we saw the nicely decorated gym. They're were multicolored streamers and ballons. Dance floor in the middle and tables and chairs around it. We lost Kaz and Emma.

We started dancing. I was hoping this feeling of awkwardness would go but it hasn't. We saw Emma and Kaz dancing and laughing. I started to feel a bit jealous which was weird because I was with Oliver. We got something to drink and then danced some more.


We entered the gym and we saw a candy bowl near the drinks and made a beeline for it.

We ate alot of candy and decided to dance. I saw Sky and Oliver. She looked like she wanted to leave.

" Do you like her?" I heard Emma ask
" Sky? No, she's just a friend." I say

"Really? You're kind of starring." She said and laughed

" I'm sure. She kind of looks miserable. " I say

" I'm gonna say hi to some people. " She says and walks toward some people.

I walk toward my friends and instantly feel like a third wheel.

" What happened to Emma?" Sky asks me

" She went to talk to some people. " I reply

" Oh Cool. "

" Kaz, can I talk to you for a second?" Oliver asks

"Sure," as we walk away " What's up buddy?"

" Can you try not to mess anything up tonight. I have it all planned and I don't need anything to make it less perfect. " He says

Yes because that was my goal of the night, to ruin his date.

" I wasn't planning to but I'll do my best not to." I say and walk off.

Skylar comes up to me as I'm getting something to drink

" What did he want to talk to you about?" She asked

" He asked me to not ruin tonight. It's suppose to be perfect. " I say

" Well something fun or interesting would make this night alot better. I can't shake this feeling that I shouldn't be here with Oliver. " She explain

" Well I'll see what I can do. " I joke

She laughs. She was so pretty and unique.

" Hey, save me a dance " I say before she walks away

" I'll see what I can do" She says and smiles me.

I see Emma approaching. She says something about not feeling well and thag she's going home.  I stay with her outside till her mom comes to take her home.

There goes my date.

I walk back into the gym to see Skylar and Oliver sitting and talking. Sky looks bored.

I walk up to them and simply ask " Wanna dance?"

" Sure" She says and we head to the dance floor.

To be continued...

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