Chapter 26

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Kittys outfit on the side ->

Kitty's POV:

"Is this good?" I asked holding up a long black dress to show Louis.

"Maybe for a funeral," Louis said.

"Okay then what do you think I should try on?" I asked.

"Not that one." Louis said looking through a rack of dresses.

I sighed as I put the dress back and looked through another rack.

"Okay how about this one?" Louis asked handing me a burgundy coloured dress.

"I guess I'll try it," I said walking over to the dressing rooms.

I tried it on and looked at my reflection in the mirror and smiled to myself. Louis does have good taste. This colour does look really good on me and the cutouts at the top gave it a summery look.

"Watcha think?" I asked stepping out if the dressing rooms and facing Louis, doing a little twirl.

"You look amazing Kitty," he said smiling.

"Thank you," I smiled heading back into the dressing room to get changed into my regular clothes.

When I was finished Louis was waiting for me at the front of the store. I picked up a pair of black heels and a black purse as Louis paid for my outfit.

"Thank you Louis," I smiled giving him a hug as we left the store.

"That's okay Kitty, it's getting pretty late. Do you want to go back now?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, thank you again." I said.

"Stop thanking me, all I did was buy you an outfit." He smiled.

"No Louis, I'm thanking you for so much more."

This was kinda a filler but hope you enjoyed. Please vote and comment :)

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