chapter 8

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Chapter eight - Explain yourself.

[Nialls POV]

"Now?" I repeat, impatiently bouncing one knee.

"No." Zayn snaps, giving me a quick glare before continuing.

Again, i counted to ten in my head.


"Niall, I'm busy." Zayn grumbles.

"You're watching Americans Next Top Model." I point out, raising my eyebrows. "How is that busy?"

Zayn, again, shoots me a glare.

"No." Zayn snaps, more firmly this time.

"Zayn, we need to talk about it." I insist. "We can't just avoid eachother. Not just for our friendship, but for the other lads- the band. It isn't as simple as, we fall out- or whatever- and then not get along. We-"

"Niall, for fuck sake." Zayn yells, cutting me off and running a hand through his hair. "Its not that simple! It never is! Stop acting like this is my fault when it was you!" I felt my ears flatten, my tail sagging behind me. "I didn't cause this, you did. This is all your fault!"

Zayn stood up storming out the living room. Or about to, as i quickly stood up.

"Zayn.." I plea. "Please.."

Zayn hesitated in the doorway, looking back at me. I saw his eyes glance at my drooping ears and my tail between my legs before looking me in the face.

"You never told me." zayn said after a pause, before leaving the room.

I stood for.. I don't know. I just stood, staring at the doorway. I don't think i moved an inch.


I blinked, realising Louis was stood infront of me with a hand comfortingly on my shoulder.

"Im fine.." I mutter, quickly rushing past him and upstairs.

I lean my back against the wooden door, trying to hold in the pain. But thats never possible.. Its pain.

I quickly lock my door, tears streaming down my face. Angrily, i grab a glass that i had used for my milk and, out of pure emotion, throw it at the wall, yelling. The wall that seperates mine and the spare bedroom that Zayns been staying in. I dont know why im so angry, but i cant control myself from hitting things, breaking things, yelling, screaming.. Crying.

Eventually, there is glass on the floor. Uncertain of what im doing, apart from the ringing in my ears, i kneel down and grab a large shard. I clench my hand around it so the spike is stood out. I grip it so tight, blood pours from my palm. But i dont feel it. Now i know what im doing. Reaching round, i grab my tail and bring it round.

If i wasnt a hybrid none of this would have happened. People wouldnt beat me. People wouldnt hate me. Zayn wouldnt hate me. My mum would treat me like she does Greg. Im just one huge mistake.

As i put the shard in place to start sawing off my tail, the door bursts open.

[Louis' POV]

Narrowing my eyes, i go to the ktichen. Zayn sat at the table, eating an apple rather frustratedly.

"What did you say to Niall?" I question.


"You upset him." I demand, crossing my arms infront of him. "Tell me whats wrong."

"He's fine." Zayn snaps.

As if on que, there is a smash and yells from upstairs. Nialls.

"Wait!" I say, stopping Zayn from rushing to him like a lost puppy. "I heard what you yelled at him." Zayn looked down in responce. "Right. So you know you upset him. But, you know you cant just go apologizing now?"

"I know.." Zayn muttered. "I just really-"

"Shhhh" I hiss.

"Hey! You cant-" Zayn begun.

"No, really. Shut up." I snap.

Nialls yells had stopped and something seemed thick in the air.. I sniffed a bit, my eyes widening.

"Louis? Whats wrong?" Zayn asks, worried and confused.

"Nialls bleeding." I say numbly, before bolting up toward the stairs.

As soon as i got to Nialls door, i tried to simply open it. When it wouldnt open, i didnt waist any time. I can sense the tension; the bottled up emotion. I slammed my shoulder against the door, twice, before it broke open.

For a moment, i froze at the site. Niall had a piece of glass, about to cut his tail. Blood was dribbling down from his hand, to his elbo. It dripped onto the carpet, On his jeans, his shirt. Tears drenched his cheeks and his eyes puffed out red. I only glanced, before running forward. After a minute of trying to wrestle the shard out Nialls grip, i managed it. For a moment, Niall glared at me angrily. His chest heaved, His breath coming short.. Before he finally broke down in tears.

Instantly, i pulled him in to a hug. He hid his face against my chest, his whole body shaking. I rubbed a hand against his bicep, trying to calm him or comfort him. Looking to the doorway, Zayn stood gobsmacked. All his expression shows is shock. Soon, Harry and Liam appeared in the doorway. Harry first though. Tears welled in his eyes. He ran forward, rubbing Nialls back and muttering soothing words, like 'Its ok.' Or, 'We're here.'

This would explain why i like him then.

[Nialls POV]

"So?" Louis asked, as we sat in the kitchen. "Why were you doing something so daft?"

"It wasnt daft." I mutter.

"Yes it was." Harry said, straight away.

A pause. A long one at that.

"Niall, do you think youre a freak?" Louis asked.

Everyone looked at him in shock. Me, surprised.

"Its ok if you do think that." Louis shrugged. "I think im a freak."

"Youre not a-" Harry begun.

"Yes, Harry, I am." Louis cut him off. "On Niall, hybrid features look like theyre meant to be there. Not odd or freaky at all. Then you look at me and.." Louis shrugged, as though it explains it all.

And it does. It explains a hell of alot.

"You think the rest of us are better than you?" I guess. "Even me? Louis, if anything thats wrong."

"No its not. The fans have a chart, see." Louis explains nonchantly. "Harrys the best, then Zayn, Liam, you and lastly, me."

"There isnt a chart, we're equals!" I snap.

"Exactly." Louis concludes, breaking out into a grin. "Equals. You just contradicted yourself."

"I.. No, its.. But.." I cast my mind for a solution. "If we're all equal, we all like eachother right? Then i am the bottom because Zayn hates me!"

"I dont hate you, i couldnt hate you." Zayn says sincerely. "I didnt want you to feel this bad.. I didnt want you to feel bad at all.. I just.. Can we make up?"

I couldnt help but grin at Zayns shuffling.

"Fine, you giant moron." I say.

"Yay- Wait! Im not a moron."

"Yeah you are." Me and Louis jinx.

A/N: Sorry it took a while. Ive got a new laptop now though so i should be able to update more. Sorry if its not equal lengths, i cant measure it like i could on my old one. Anyway, should be updating alot again. Toodle-oo till next time! Sorry its so over emotional. I think it may come in to play later.. Oops, i typed nothing.

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